
Pronounces: he/him
Release date: July 14, 2015
Species: Human
Orientation: Demisexual
Voiceprovider: Илья Людоед
VB type: CV, VCV, CVC
VB language: Japanese, Russian

Vladislav Kajdar


“– No need to make excuses.”
—"TYLD", Chapter 22. Alcohol –longing–.


He is well-balanced, able to think sensibly in any non-standard situation and improvise. Vlad is a man from a post-apocalyptic world that was destroyed after a nuclear war and activation of the "Dead Man's Hand". He likes science fiction and other books about other future worlds (and collecting remnants of them is his hobby). He is well versed in types of weapons. He's also a good marksman who is interested in military equipment from an engineer's perspective. (Able to fix any mechanism in the field with duct tape and a prayer to Omnissia.) He doesn't like to talk about his goals and desires. He can be a leader as well as a subordinate. He doesn't care about that. Balanced, able to think sensibly in any non-standard situations and improvise.

Shadowsgone ark

A former Krieg Death Corps soldier who did not realize his own death on the battlefield and was trapped as a ghost in the inter-worlds of Shadowsgone. He had a quarrel with Avier and was locked in the memory tier without the ability to enter the rest of Shadowsgone space or to be reborn into other worlds. He was "released" after Nicholas had a wish to talk to him, but Avier mocked him during his rebirth by changing his gender in the next world. When rewriting Shadowsgone's reality and other worlds, Hatori shows mercy and in Shado's reality divides Kajdar's appearances, however, placing them in the same world.

Shado ark

In his real world, he is part of the White Fork tinsmith camp who escaped from the wastelands to a war-torn world. Also he's beloved son of his mother Meredith. She taught him how to survive in such a world and how to be useful to his friends (and how to use their abilities if the situation demands it). In his dreams, he's dreamer of the red part of Shado because of his alter ego. He hates such dreams, but only his alter ego can lead him to the raiders and Sabishii, his guide shadromancer. Otherwise, he shows up in the green part of Shado and spends the entire dream in Dareka's pub. He has lived with the raiders for a long time and helped them build weapons to fight the ghouls. One day he met his girlfriend from the real world (Abby Paranoid) in Shado, but she was attacked by a ghoul and nearly died. Vlad tried to save her without the help of the consul because he knew that reviving her as a shadro would kill her in the real world. But even though he succeeded in creating a mechanical body for her, she fell into a coma in the real world and began to lose her memories in Shado. Vlad also noticed that Abby was making Sabishii nervous, so he finally decided to end her suffering and deactivated her mechanical body mechanisms. But it was too late - Sabishii was attacked by Abel in despair and disappeared into the Black Tower of Nikolas. This event killed all of Vlad's positive emotions, and he decides that he must win this war and save Sabishii at least. At the end of the quest, he teams up with Hatori and storms the Black Tower, where he frees Sabishii from Abel's control.

Post-Shado ark

Kajdar continues to live with the raiders in Shado, just as he did in the Shado ark, except now he treats Sabishii differently.

  • mbti ISTJ
  • h/w 177см / 67кг
  • zodiac taurus
  • tarot the hermit

  • Верит в Императора человечества.
  • Не понимает политику. Придерживается консерваторских взглядов.
  • Любит фантастику и другие книги о других мирах будущего. Также хорошо разбирается в видах оружия и является метким стрелком. Интересуется военной техникой с точки зрения инженера.
  • Мораль... Ему присуще чувство воинского долга, а вот насчет девушек ничего обещать нельзя - "терракт одиннадцатого сентября, какие сиськи!"
  • В альтернативном "балладном" дизайне, нигде не использовавшемся, одет в кольчугу и латы, словно рыцарь. Это олицетворяло исключительную положительность и возвышенность персонажа, делая его эдаким "рыцарем на белом коне". В то же время белый конь мог олицетворять то, как данный персонаж выкашивает врагов подобно чуме.


tea with milk





  • science fiction
  • Warhammer 40k
  • weapons
  • smart girls
  • longing
  • betrayal