
2 years, 10 months ago



She/Her • Transfem • Lesbian


Hari’s best friend and platonic soulmate. The two have been close since childhood, and are considered inseparable. Both were born with spirits of water, a common occurence in their home region; Xera’s own takes the form of a Malayan tapir. Despite this elemental affinity, she actually hates being in water, and is very bad at swimming. Her spirit is very passive and shy, so they almost never front; they are so asocial, Xera herself rarely speaks to them. 

Xera says and does what she wants, when she wants; she can’t stand to be ordered around, and has a hard time working with others. Honestly, she tends to dislike most people by default. The only person Xera actually enjoys being around is Hari, and even then they have their disagreements/conflicts. That being said, Xera is actually quite good at reading people’s moods and feelings; she has plenty of emotional intelligence. Though it takes her a long time to ever warm up to anyone, and even longer to truly trust them, she is undyingly loyal once the connection is set. Just don’t betray that vulnerability-it will never be regained, and Xera’s hate is as strong as her love.