Matsuba Sasaki



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Matsuba Sasaki

18 years old

Pokemon team: Natu, Larvitar, Chinchou


Oc of pokemon

Matsuba is a girl who unfortunately lost her left arm because of an accident and because of this, she can no more realise her dream But, as a really determined girl, Matsuba took a choice: she decided to go to Eucruteak city in order to see Oh-oh and maybe to ask the pokemon to gives her arm back

Falkner is her childhood friend, and he's really protective over her when he learnt that Matsuba was willing to go to Eucruteak city, he told her that she could see Morty who was a person he knew a bit

Morty, on his side, try a lot to make this poor girl smiling Actually, his lazy smile he wore everyday work in a way ~

Matsuba also knew about Eusine because he went to Eucruteak city by an hazard day He always played the gentlemen with her, wich made her laugh a lot

Relationship of -Matsuba and Morty: -Matsuba and Falkner: Still writing it... -Matsuba and Eusine: Still writing it...