Business Cards - HTML



2 years, 10 months ago


These are quick codes for mostly-undeveloped characters, meant to look like business cards! They are super simplistic, but they show just enough info to get a basic understanding of a character. I might make more later, but right now there's just three.

This code is intended for character profiles, but can probably be edited to work for character characters as well. This is NOT editable in the WYSIWYG editor- if you try, it will break, and you won't be able to edit the images.

If you decide to use this, please favorite and comment- I love to see what you make! If you have any suggestions or requests, I'd be happy to take them!

All images here are from unsplash. Frankenstiening and editing my codes are fine, as long as you credit me (and all other coders)! Referenceing my html codes to learn or create is great, and credit is not required (unless you're directly copying and pasting big chunks of my code and editing them very little or not at all, which would make it more like frankenstiening).


info • info • info

Write a little sentance or quote here


info • info • info

Write a little sentance or quote here

longer name

info • info • info

Write a little sentance or quote here. This one has more space so you can make it longer :D