


2 years, 9 months ago


he/him ∙∙ snarky ∙∙ moral ∙∙ fun-loving
"Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion."
- Michael Jordan
Full Name: Randy Robinson
Nickname: n/a
Species: human
Age: 16
Birthday: Feb. 3rd
Gender: male
Orientation: ?????
Height: 170 cm; 5"7'
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Job: student
ice cream
not getting in trouble
his friends, sometimes
his friends, sometimes
injustice and unfair rules
having to write a lot

Randy is a generally nice boy, easy to get along with though he can snap pretty easy sometimes. Treat him with respect and he treats you with it as well. He moved to [island, i forget] several years ago, having been there to attend school since year six. He and Sid have been great friends since. He's a skilled baseball player and passionate in his sport, dedicated and hard working. He knows to work in teams, think together and come up with plans.

He's known Zelena for many years too, the two getting along rather well. He teases his friends and they tease him. Sometimes they argue but it always dies out. If he gets angry, he does his best to calm down. He doesn't like getting mad but a line crossed is a line crossed. He does care a great ton for his friends though.

But with Phoenix arriving, it seems his troublesome class got even more so - not that Randy dislikes Phoenix for it. He thinks he's one of the closest friends he's got. He would just rather not get suspended, or expelled, for breaking curfew for possibly the millionth time. That week. And certainly not murdered in cold blood.