angel eyes



2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Price listed is a suggestion/minumum

Feel free to offer whatever, I'm desperate most of the time and may accept low ball offers.



Kekkaiono Karitei

anger . beast . sorcerer

Kekkai is a character of the Jujutsu Kaisen series. Filled with unbridled rage and powerful curse energy, Kekkai bursts into the scene and ends things quickly.

"I don't like anyone. Especially not you."


Kekkaiono Karitei






Grade 1 Jujutsu Sorcerer
  • Rainy days
  • Zoos and aquariums
  • Cold weather
  • Holidays, surprisingly
  • A lot of things
  • A lot of people
  • Probably you
  • Definitely Gojo Satoru











Kekai is distant and cold, but only because she feels she has to be. She finds it hard to trust others, and repeatedly is heard to be saying how much she despises people and jujutsu society alike. She can be angry and aggressive, even with young children and the students of Jujutsu Tech, and doesn't apologize for being this way either. She feels like a person needs to be strong not just in ability but emotions in order to survive in this world. She does not have a hidden 'soft' side (according to her) and doesn't let down her guard no matter who she's with or where she is at. Many people find it hard to get along with her, but those that try are the true MVPs, such as the peers she went to Jujutsu Tech with.

There are times where she can be calm however, as rare as that might seem to other people. She seems to have a calmer personality when it rains, and she also enjoys going to the zoo and watching various animals wander about. All in all she is a rather complex person to figure out, but those that put in the effort can see how fiercely loyal a friend she can be. 


Kekai is a descendant from an infamous family in Jujutsu society named the Karitei clan. The family has had a bad reputation even long into the past, however the members of this family had been powerful and menacing sorcerers and thus supported by the higher ups. The greed and desperation to keep this power in the blood line was so immense, the family had resorted to inhumane methods on the children that were born into the family. If the child had no signs of cursed abilities, they would be treated as if they were nothing but a liability to the family and mistreated. Likewise, if a female was born, regardless of cursed abilities, they would be treated as if they held no ability and made to wear cursed seal earrings which concealed their powers and made it so they were blind to cursed spirits. If those weren’t enough, there even had been rumors of inbreeding within the family, and thus they were riddled with many sins.

The current family members are no exception to their families bad reputation, as Kekai’s family had treated her as a monster since the moment she was born. Due to complications from birth, Kekai’s mother was killed. She was born covered in an unusual amount of blood, and when she opened her eyes, they were revealed to be an eerie translucent white. The combination of her mothers death, the amount of blood, and the childs unusual eyes, had those in the family believing her to be a demon. Also known as the yokai ‘kekkaionna’ (blood clot child), her father had given her the cruel name of the yokai and immediately had her taken away. He felt as if his true child had been killed by this girl in the womb, and he cared nothing for her. He wouldn’t even hold her.

From her childhood up until her adolescence, she had been chastised by her family and was only given attention from the help of the family which had taken care of her for most of her life. When word came out that she had been blessed with sorcerer abilities, she was forced to pierce her ears and carry the cursed seal to keep her powers at bay. Her father had long since remarried and had two sons in her steed, thus making her existence feel like a slap in the face, not only to herself, but to her deceased mother. The intense feelings of sadness, anger, and disrespect, had caused her to make up her mind and, when she was old enough, pull herself away from the family in order to become a sorcerer. Miraculously, she was able to train with cursed tools enough to override the enchantment of the earrings and allowing her to use her cursed energy in order to hone an old lost ability of cursed body mutation.

Cursed Technique:

Body Mutation: the ability to use cursed energy to make manifestations from one's own body, such as being able to transform your arm into something demonic yet powerful enough to break things, among other abilities.

Satoru Gojo

[ love interest ]

A relationship defined by a strange unspoken pact to protect each other, Kekkai claims that Gojo Satoru is the worst person she has ever met. She cannot stand his guts, and she makes sure to let everyone know this and even has told him this to his face a couple of times. Kekkai was picked to start at JJTC at the last minute along with Geto and Gojo, and their relationship quickly soured when Gojo showed her up once. Since then, she took a dislike to his personality and 'I'm the Strongest' mentality, but she would find herself being paired up on missions or other random little endeavors along with Geto and thus she developed an unwanted friendship with the two of them. Her feelings for Geto were more along the romantic side however, and it was obvious to Gojo and other students. However, after things go downhill and Geto betrays them, Kekkai and Gojo have a rough time handling it. Both then silently have a pep talk with themselves, and come to the conclusion that they only have each other to rely on and thus make a secret goal to protect each other. Kekkai in the current timeline refuses to acknowledge her real feelings for Gojo, but this quickly changes after the Shibuya incident... 



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