
The SNB challenge was created by the stupenderriffic IncBot, along with all the rules to it! I delved into what exactly an SNB is more in SNB the First’s profile!

     This is my second SNB! 

This description is kind of gloomy, so feel free to not read it. It’s not like a bowl of plain bleh, I shook a bit of sugar, spice, & everything nice into it, but there’s still a bleh taste in there. Okay, here’s the bleh & sweetness.

SNB the Second is shy, sad, confused, & a little chaotic. Though, with mixed results, they still try to be friendly & optimistic.

Major Raisin Fears: (1) Hurting people; they feel like they hurt people by being themself, so that also makes them (2) afraid of themself. & (3) attention. They don’t get freaked out by little smidges of attention, but if people focus on them a lot they get freaked out, whether the focus is in a compliment-y way (because Raisin see this as Raisin taking due recognition away from others) or critique-y way (because Raisin sees this as disappointing others). 

Despite being sad & introverted, if someone wants to initiate conversation with them or do some sort of activity (after first making sure they aren’t wasting anyone’s time), they partake! 

     People definitely make Raisin happy, & Raisin hopes that they also bring at least a smidge of happiness to others. They can’t help but be affectionate to people sometimes, even when Raisin’s anxiety insists that Raisin is fishing for compliments or seeking out attention by doing such. Raisin isn’t detached enough from reality to believe that that anxiety is actually true.

     After socially interacting, Raisin gets a huge burst of happiness, especially if that social interaction was with people they admire a lot! Unfortunately, not long after that burst, they sadden from thinking about all the ways they could’ve potentially hurt people while interacting with them.

     Raisin has the vibe of sitting in the corner of a people-filled room while abstractly drawing the people in that room. And thank you to Inc for that image.

     A lot of what they do is for other people, but they keep most of it private. (Ex.: “I’m going to make some drawings for people & not share the drawings, b/c that might give people more reason to think about &/or respect me, which I don’t deserve, & other people are more deserving of respect! Yippee!”)

Raisin has some interest in being in a romantic relationship. Simultaneously, they know that they’re NOT ready for one & don’t talk to anyone about it. They’re a bit proud of themself for avoiding getting into any romantic-zone, when they know that they’re not in that great of a mental state. Avoiding it takes a level of maturity, I gyuess. 

This character is a manifestation of the temporal energy emitting from my second SNB.


  • “They/Them/Theirs/Themself“ 

Species: Temporal Manifestation (Formed like a pseudoscorpion/waxy monkey tree frog)

Notebook Timeframe: Thurs. December 3rd, 2020 to Sat. March 27th, 2021 


  • Hobby/Hobbies: Singing, Drawing, Learning German, Listening to music, Being interested in musicals, Making up songs & poems, Singing songs they make up to animals & nature

  • Inspirations for Music: Rebecca Sugar, Lemon Demon, Cavetown, Will Wood, The Beatles, Musicals (particularly musicals from the 1980’s & earlier, with a few more recent ones scattered about)

Musique of the Charred Actor  

Relationship with SNB the First (AKA Capri Sun):

The relationship between the Second & the First is rather strained due to the Second constantly feeling like they’re a disappointment to the First. Capri Sun doesn’t view the Raisin as a disappointment. Capri Sun views Raisin as a good person with a lotta stupid, hindering self-doubt, who could benefit from having a little help & someone to talk to. 

Unfortunately, because it’s difficult for Raisin to reach out for help & to feel like they’re NOT wasting someone’s time, Capri Sun’s attempts to help out don’t go very far. Raisin also tries to help Capri Sun out. Capri Sun appreciates the gestures, but Capri Sun is able to deal with their problems independently better than Raisin, so Capri Sun would rather help Raisin than be helped by Raisin.

Despite the relationship-weirdness, & actually partially because of it, the two are still buddies! They talk about more serious topics in little bits scattered about their time spent together, which helps to positively deepen their relationship. 

     The two also are definitely made happy by each other, even if there is some awkwardness, & have similar interests, easily giving them something to chat about together.

     Occasionally, Capri Sun convinces Raisin to ride on their back, & that makes for a dope ride, whenever it happens!

*Last Updated: Tuesday, April 5th, 2022