Pineten's Comments

There's a ping? I'd appreciate an add   

I completely get why you're tent on them, they're just beautiful!

There is no ping sorry! My fakemon are all foreverhomed

Oh no, it's okay, that's completely understandable! Very lovely character! Sorry for the bother ^^'


saw you might entertain offers, would i be able to offer on them? they're lovely!

I’m really tent on them so I’d only be looking for someone in my favs, but if you think you could 3-way for one of them I might consider ^^

ohh ok!i'll slid my folder while i look for something then!
no need to look just thought i'd mention in case 

Didn’t see anyone I’d use but lmk if you find anything ^^

I'd love a ping!! ;0; or if I can do anything

You can offer! But I’m extremely tentative since I just got them ^^

What are you looking for? I can do usd, art/customs and possible trades!

I might consider usd but im mainly looking for trades at the moment!

Lmk if I have anything in my sale folder or my considering offers! My wip folder is very tent as is everyone else.

Sorry, went and looked through your th and the only guy that interested me was Ryn but I know he’s nft, but thanks for offering anyways! <3

4 Replies

Does anyone in my toyhouse interest you? (Tent on sonas/mains)

I liked Sawyer! Thogh I would have to think about it a bit ^^

I might have something here that might interest, (includes a scpkid design i’d be willing to swap,)

I didnt see anyone unfortunately, the scpkid design is gorgeous but I just cant draw birds sadly :')

Tysm for offering though!!

That was not the one I was talking about, but thank you for looking :)

Oh I probably straight up missed it sjdjd sorry!

That’s ok, may I offer a different swap? I have: (?)

They're absolutely gorgeous!! I've ended up going with another user, but thank you so much for offering :D

I love them!

I would have to think on it still, but if you're up for it and I do decide to trade them, I'll lyk!

take your time! id be up for it tho!

hi! just wondering if you're still considering? no worries if you need more time!

Hello! Yes I am still considering :D I'm just drawing them a bit as well to see if i can draw them in my style ^^

hello!!<3 would anyone in my th interest you?

feel free to give a list too ! :)

I didnt see anyone unfortunately, but tysm for offering!

I love them so much 💓 😭 good luck getting them a new home