Vel (Silver City)



1 year, 3 months ago


Vetrivel Hayes


skinny skrunkly tiny
Greek/Siddi Indian
reptile physiology/pyrokinesis

"It was only a little bit on fire, it's probaly fine."

Nobody knows for sure where Vel came from or why he is the way he is, him included. What is known is one day a boy, barely 12 years old, was found out in the Sonoran Desert by a group of wildlife researchers. He could barely speak or understand English, Spanish, any language at all, and had clearly been out there longer than any child should have survived. He was covered in scales and sporting a long tail, not unlike that of a rattlesnake. After a short fuss about the feral reptilian child found in the desert, he was taken in by one of the men who found him.

Vetrivel has long since assimilated to society the best he could. He still struggles in some social aspects and there are instincts he will never seem to shake off. Aside from the obvious, though, he just wants to lead a fairly normal life. In addition to the struggles of his origins, he has a tendency to be a bit short-tempered (ha), he sometimes struggles with euphemisms or hyperbole, and his own sense of humor is fairly dry and sarcastic. He has a love for all things natural and a special kind of homesickness for the wildlife of his desert home. Currently, he's staying with a friend in Silver City as an experiment in independence, away from the lifeline of his fathers and the small town that had grown accustomed to his strangeness. Silver City College has an excellent middle college program to help him get a late high school diploma, but Vel may have some persoal motivation to be here specifically, on account of his own personal fascination with superheroes.


Vetrivel has the ability to create and control heat and fire, primarily used to cause something to combust at will. He can will the fire into different shapes, colors, as well as shrink and grow the size of a fire. His flames maintain the natural limitations of fire, ie they can not burn without oxygen, but he can will his fires to burn somewhat past using up its fuel. He is also very heat resistant himself, though its clear by his upper body scarring that this was not always the case.

In addition to his fiery abilities, Vetrivel has a reptilian physiology adapted to surviving in the deserts of the American Southwest. He's covered in scales, as well as dozens of thorny spikes, and has long, clawed fingers and toes made for running across the sand. He also has a long, scaley tail tipped with special scales functioning pretty much identical to a rattle snake's rattle. He has needle-like fangs and many sharp teeth, though his bites are not venomous. They just hurt.

While he is not quite as sensitive to low temperatures as an actual reptile, they will cause him to grow lethargic much more than the average human. He also possesses heat sensing organs, not unlike a pit organ in a snake, allowing him to sense the world around him via changes in heat signatures. Due to his being almost completly blind, this is how he primarily experiences the world, and also contributes to his being enamored by fire and flames.

The Story Thus Far

Put whatever content you want her. Story summary, history, abilities, moodboard, etc ... idk it's up to you and what you think is relevant. This box scrolls so you can put in mulitple sections if you want.


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Velira adopted sister

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Character [ relationship ]

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