


8 years, 10 months ago


Name: Enyo
Height: 5'9
Appearance: Lanky
Age: 103
Gender: Female
Personality: Focused/Fair/Principled/Strong-willed/Pensive/Dramatic/
Species: Demon (Birth-Born)
Affiliation: Osiris
Combat Roles: Hidden/Trickster
Occupation(s): Secretary/Human or Nonhuman Resources/Payroll Lady
Affinities: Anima
Power Level: B-

Interests & Dislikes:

Hobbies: Going to plays and ballets and operas/Acting/Managing/Styling her hair/Shopping/Debate/Clubbing/Volleyball/Yoga/Surfing

-Drinking coffee and energy drinks
-Cats and dogs
-Dressing fancy, prefers pantsuits
-Holidays, paid vacations, sick leave, etc...
-Crime shows and novels
-Soap operas

-Tea and milk
-Her appearance being messed with, chipped nails, etc...
-Fighting, violence, DANGEROUS SITUATIONS
-Too much "boring" physical activity 
-Having her time be wasted
-Waking up early

-Works as Osiris's secretary, payroll lady, and nonhuman resources. Checks on the messages, sends them out as well, takes appointments, arranges meetings, manages disputes, etc...
-Also works for Sofiya's management company as a secretary and "human" resources person. 
-Absolutely sucks at fighting, aside from whacking people with her crosses. Prone to throwing people into the theater space if she can't whack them fast enough.
-May be moody and crabby, but a pretty nice person and makes for a good babysitter and petsitter.
-Likes going to the spa and nail parlor at least once a month 
-Extremely thankful for the existence of organizers and binders and filing cabinets, they are so helpful
-Constantly thinking of work at all times, even while sleeping. Carries her work with her even during downtime.
-Likes going to the beach
-Enjoys visiting art galleries and museums. 
-The wings in her demon form are incapable of flight, and can merely glide at most.


Penitence - Can summon up to two giant and indestructible crosses that are very heavy to anyone but her (and can dual-wield them), and each (highly painful) whack will make you feel more and more regretful of your misdeeds and crimes until you're scrambling to redeem yourself. Super-evil people and intense corruption require more whacks!

Theater - Can bring nearby targets (up to three) into a little pocket space where you have to act out a scene from a play before you can leave. Anywhere from 3-10 minutes long, and she likes to set it to comedy or tragedy. Violence is not allowed and swearing and negative actions will make the faceless audience throw things at you. She can choose to watch, participate, or not even be in the pocket space.

Shapeshift - Can shift into human and bat forms.

Vamping - Vamps off of remorse and guilt. 

Enhanced Senses & Body

-Pretty poor at fighting, aside from her master proficiency in whacking with her crosses.