


2 years, 10 months ago


Emmet Rhoan

Relationships Gallery
  • Nickname Emmet
  • Specie Unfezant
  • Gender Male
  • Age 20
  • Height 5'10"
  • Weight 180 lbs
  • Birthday August 13
  • Eye Color Yellow
  • Hair Color Gray w/ Red


  • Memes
  • Games
  • Manga
  • Vacations
  • Shopping


  • Homeworks
  • Receiving orders
  • TV dramas
  • Deadlines
  • Creepy Stuff

Inventory (0/5)

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College 1st Year

College Organizations:


Major Course:

Theatrical Performances - Drama and Theatre Production

Minor Course:

Band/Orchestra - Composition


+ Cheerful: Optimistic and one that's usually with a smile on his face.

+ Fun-loving: Very lively, if you're alright with the amount of energy he posseses, he proves to be quite a good friend who is very active in the group.

+ Energetic: Not really someone you'll think would be drained every end of the day. Emmet tends to be active and is someone who is willing to try some stuff whenever invited.

= Outspoken: Emmet sees no need to be quiet if he's involved. During certain discussions, he wouldn't hesitate saying whatever's on top of his head, whether it's a good or a bad thing.

- Childish: Acts kinda young than he should be. Especially around his family, he acts immature around them despite being an adult already.

- Frivolous: Not one you'll expect to take things seriously. Emmet never think much of any problems going in his way, simply taking them lightheartedly and would even joke about it sometimes.

- Boisterous: For someone who sometimes have too much energy and doesn't mind much how others think of him, Emmet can be quite noisy and loud.


The middle child of the family, but one of the first to became a member.

Emmet was abandoned by his own family at a young age for reasons that is unknown to him. All he knows was that he simply wandered around in his younger years, trying to survive whatever comes in his direction. He usually stays in a cave, a good shelter from rain and a place where he can avoid disturbing other people by his ragged appearance. That was until the oldest brother of the family, sees him and requested for his own parents to take him in.

Taking up the last name of Rhoan, it's the only family Emmet knows he's a part of, easily not minding much on the thought that he was abandoned by his original one. He was able to witness the family grew, as more children with a similar situation to him was adopted as well to the point that he would have think that they're actually running an orphanage. And with a bigger family, it meant a rowdier crowd in the house.

Emmet is always the instigator of problems, usually doing harmless pranks and tricks to his siblings, especially the older ones in attempts to liven them up. And because of that, he's the usual source of their problems and fights. It's alright though, since it strengthen their bonds, and the family still sticks close to one another despite how big the fight they had. It became worse when their adoptive parents died from an accident, as there became less people who can handle him, and he was very uncomfortable with the gloomy atmosphere they had.

At least things went better with the addition of their final and youngest member. The young boy had the most similar experience to Emmet, being abandoned at a young age, but they're thankful that they found him quite early and he doesn't remember the time of wandering by himself. Either that, or the boy doesn't want to tell. The family makes sure that the boy is happy, and Emmet does most of the work by playing with him.

High school was very eventful for Emmet, not one to miss an opportunity to join events and hanging out with classmates. But right after his graduation, he immediately decided to take various part time jobs to support his family, especially his oldest brother who suddenly was having issues. Emmet is one of the two siblings that the problem was opened up to, and he was the one who suggested of moving out to another region. After all, new region meant a fresh new start.

Now living in Shinjo region, Emmet had decided he could probably continue with his studies since the problem is somewhat resolved, although the course he chose is something he's definitely unfamiliar with. He's gonna do his best since it seemed fun though.


Typing:Normal | Flying

Ability: Big Pecks - Protects the Pokemon from defense-lowering attacks.

Battle Stats:

  • HP: 80 + 30
  • Atk: 115
  • Def: 80 + 10
  • Sp. Atk: 65
  • Sp. Def: 55 + 20
  • Spd: 93 + 10
  • Total: 488 + 70

Moveset: Air Slash (Flying) | Air Cutter (Flying) | Feather Dance (Flying) | Detect (Fighting)

  • Likes Elijah and his oldest brother the most out of all siblings since they're the only ones still playing with him.
  • Obviously adopted in the family, like the majority of his siblings.
  • Has a lot of jackets and long sleeved shirts in his closet.
  • Goal is to be capable of flying to another region.
  • Can do small magic tricks. Will work as magician if he gets good money out of it and if he didn't go to college.
  • Has a habit of compulsive buying that all his siblings set limit to his allowance, or scolds him for it.
  • Carries lollipop and bubblegum with him for most of the time.