
3 years, 1 month ago


Diphylleia Clemantis

Relationships Gallery
  • Nickname Leia
  • Specie Froslass
  • Gender Female
  • Age 28
  • Height 5'4"
  • Weight 112 lbs
  • Birthday January 5
  • Eye Color Blue
  • Hair Color White


  • Fashion Shows
  • Romance
  • Perfumes
  • Spring
  • Fresh Flowers


  • Her Height
  • Family Traditions
  • Heat
  • Rumors
  • Diets

Inventory (0/5)

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Occupation: Fashion Designer

The woman takes personal requests and sometimes works with models of certain magazines. Has her own schedule of work for most of the time

Dresses are usually the accessories of the wearer, so her style definitely varies depending on the occassion and model.


+ Hardworker: Leia is one to always take things seriously, and whatever job that lands on her, it should be expected that she'll always give it her all. She doesn't like it when she only puts half an effort.

+ Organized: All her stuff are always stacked and sorted and has a clean schedule despite being packed with work.

+ Perfectionist: Everything has to be perfect and is up to her standards. Even if she finds a very tiny mistake, she'll start everything from the beginning if she has to.

= Competitive: Especially in the world of fashion, Leia likes challenging herself and prove that she's one of the best.

- Irritable: Easily finds even the smallest things to be annoying. Her face wouldn't really show it, but she fights the urge to curse loudly with a forced smile.

- Disobedient: If she doesn't like it, she won't do it. Leia has a rebellious streak, which already started from her past when she breaks their family traditions and left the house.

- Blunt: Nothing will happen if one simply lies to lift others spirits up, is what Leia thinks. She is not one to tiptoe around her words, and says her opinions in a straightforward manner.


A lady who had a lot of potential, but was sadly unable to chase her dreams.

Coming from a family living in the snowy mountains and in seclusion, her village's way of thinking is quite old-fashioned and is a stickler to their traditions. Some practices include taking in strangers that lost their ways in the mountains, living a simple life surrounded by nature and females not allowed to show more skin than supposed to, it was a repetetive life for their villagers (and as Leia thinks back on this at the present, she finds her life there to be dull.). For Leia who used to be a meek child, she simply follows whatever her family says since being disobedient can have her cast out of the family. And being cast out, it meant dying in the heat for them, as per their beliefs. Of course Leia wanted to live a long life, which is why she follows them, although she can be curious on the world outside of the mountains.

Stories of travelers always fascinated her after all. Listening to some things that doesn't exist in their village, she is left to her own imagination to think on what they look like. One interesting female traveler that she met was a photographer for a magazine. Telling stories about individuals known for their beauty, and sharing their images perhaps for inspiration or advertisement. Making a name for themselves, it's the job that interested Leia the most. It probably sounds conceited (and it definitely is), but she does believe she has one of the best looks in the village. And if ever, she would definitely want to meet others that are more beautiful than anyone else. First step is leaving the village however, and she was still unable to live by herself until she officially becomes an adult.

Right after her birthday that considers her as an adult, she knew immediately what to do. Telling this plans of hers to her family, she witnessed how they were very unsupportive of it. Model was a word they're familiar with after all, and something that is not really suggested to women in their family as it breaks some of their traditions - especially the swimsuit shoots. But Leia believes that she doesn't have an opportunity for a good life staying around a single village that she didn't listened and left without saying anything, bringing some of her clothes, valuables, as well as some money. Although she sometimes send letters and tries returning home, she is always met with angry guards who chases her out.

Now living in a place she's unfamiliar with, she relies on the stories travelers tell to survive, taking various jobs until she's completely adjusted in her life. She also watches whatever fashion shows that she gets to see, observing how the ladies walk and mimicking it. And when she believes that she's finally ready, she came face to face on the one problem that she definitely wouldn't overcome.

Which was the height requirement.

Models was required to be tall, and despite the skills and appearance, she wouldn't be accepted since she was quite short. It left her in distraught, as all she was hoping to become is now definitely out of her reach. It took quite a while before she was able to recover, realizing that she left her village for nothing at all. But as she clears her mind, being aware that she loves fashion shows and the way beauty is emphasized, she had tried thinking of an alternative route. While models shows off their beauty, they sometimes also advertise the outfits fashion designer makes. It was the job that Leia then aimed for, and knowing that this one is something she can definitely achieved, she gave her everything to be successful.

Now a quite known fashion designer in her area, with her works sometimes being featured, Leia is more of an independent fashion designer, not wanting to be affiliated with a brand, or making her own since there's a chance she'll have less time doing her work (although, she's definitely fine working with collaborations). For some time, Leia travels around, hopping region onto another region, recording the fashion tastes of the natives and trying to find the best outfit that'll awe everyone, as every designer should. Currently, she's staying in Shinjo, now the last region she visited, to finally continue with her work. She's still keeping in touch with other agencies and prospective clients from various places, to keep herself busy with work.


Typing:Ice | Ghost

Ability: Snow Cloak - Boosts evasion in a hailstorm

Battle Stats:

  • HP: 70 + 30
  • Atk: 80
  • Def: 70
  • Sp. Atk: 80 + 30
  • Sp. Def: 70
  • Spd: 110 + 40
  • Total: 480 + 100

Moveset: Aurora Veil (Ice) | Icy Wind (Ice) | Hail (Ice) | Protect (Normal)

  • Easiest way to make her irritated is by pointing out her height, or calling her shortie (or something similar).
  • Is currently in a relationship.
  • Wears heels for most of the time.
  • Doesn't like applying make-up since she believes natural beauty is the best. Although, she is still quite good at it.
  • Definitely has a lot of potential as a model.
  • She imparts some tips and tricks she had learned from watching fashion shows to models that she gets to meet through work, which usually helps them improve.
  • First and last name are based on flowers. She thinks her whole name is weird since it's an awkward combination.
  • Always introduces herself as Leia.