Tyler/Wonder's Comments


First of all, let me provide a layout for you of what my actual submission will look like.

Trigger warnings will always come first. My submissions may discuss sensitive topics that some readers may find disturbing. Unfortunately, not everything is going to be kittens and rainbows, as even fictional lives have emotional distress and traumatizing events.

What follows is the beginning of my submission, which goes into deep detail of the character, as well as notable traits. Lore follows shortly after, containing several headings based on important events that shape this specific character.

If they are going to be a main team member, I will go over their elements and some of their moveset.

After this, I will dive into the relationships this character has with other people. This is to show the connections that they have or will have gained. That, and to provide another piece of solid evidence that they will genuinely be used and cared for, to show they are embedded into something big that I'm working on with a loving team. ^^

The final part of my submission will include the mysteries surrounding the character that will be revealed in the RPG. However, if you wish to hear the answers behind some unanswered questions, let me know in PMs which ones you want me to let you in on. 

My submission will end there, but I will sometimes conclude my message with my personal notes on the character. This will be the time that I would give my opinions and desires, such as "I'll use them as a persona!" Or "I'll love them so much!" They always come at the end, just so my personal notes aren't the submission itself.

Now with that out of the way, let us dive into the submission for…Tyler/Wonder.

WARNING! The following content contains sensitive content that may be considered disturbing to some users. These topics include: Child abuse. Viewer discretion is advised.

Tyler the Void Rabbit, also known by his nickname "Wonder," is a major protagonist in the RPG series I am currently working on. Despite being made purely out of the Void, he turns out to actually be a pretty chill guy to hang around. He tends to be pretty hyper at random times due to his surge of child-like energy, which explains a lot because he IS a child.

Let's look back to how he was created to find out how a being made out of the Void turned out to be such a saint.


This takes place in the first ark, the Darkness ark. In this ark, a manifestation of all Darkness begins to spread, and soon plans on sucking out all of the light in the universe.

As the King of Darkness spreads from the heart of the Earth, he collects unknown substances to which the main team finds odd, until one of them points out that what he's collecting are Void Crystals, with power illuminating from its core.

The thing was…what was he doing with them?

Back at his laboratory, he was extracting the power from each crystal while blueprinting a vessel that the void could take. After a few chapters, the vessel is finally ready to assimilate with the Void power.

He transfers the power over, and…

The being swiftly opens its eyes.

The King laughs maniacally, as the being hops around like crazy.

"Excellent, my creation! ROAR for me!"

The Void being smiles, before roaring as a child would imitate.

The King stares at him for a long while, wondering what the hell he just did.

"Ahem…let's try that again. ROAR for me!"

Once again, it sounds like a five year old's roar.

"What the hell..?" The King wondered. He wondered if there was a defect with the Void being's transfer into the vessel.

The Void being giggled as he said that.

It was then, that the main team stormed in, as earlier in the chapter, they planned on catching the King off guard, to which the King quickly bailed. As he went up the elevator, he took the bunny with him. Because the bunny was just a child, he had no idea how powerful he actually was.

Formulating a Strategy

After watching a superhero show where a child turns into nothing (called "Wonder-Nothing: Probably Not Back At It Again"), the void being started to adopt the child's name "Tyler."

However, after he told his father about what he'd start calling himself, he got a HUGE slap across the face.

"Are you joking? Watching shows about HEROES? Why not watch something where the villain wins?"

"Wha..? But whyyyyy?"

"Because heroes are futile to the dying Earth we have around us. We are merely just helping others by preventing them from suffering. Heroes try and stop us, therefore they want this Earth to suffer."

He wasn't lying, yet he manipulated the Void being into thinking that his life was a lie. This made him contemplate whose side he's really on.

He hopped out while his father was asleep, just to take a glance at what exactly the main team was truly trying to do, to see if what his father said was true.

The Realization

The current main team members all sat down together as they discussed how to banish the King, as one of them proceeds to show a PowerPoint of the newest casualties from the King.

As the numbers increased to the thousands, Tyler's eyes widened. It wasn't until they showed that the "Tyler" child actor from Tyler's favorite superhero show was the biggest casualty where Tyler gasped.

Everyone heard, as they all dashed outside.

"It's the void being!" exclaimed a member.

"We could just kill it right now!"

"Why the hell is it even here?"

"…B-Because I wanted to know why people think daddy is so bad…" Tyler spat out.

"You- Don't know? Ah, of course you wouldn't, he brainwashed you to the point that you probably couldn't tell what's true and what isn't anymore."

"I assume he saw the casualties."

"Exactly what I was thinking. Your father is killing a bunch of people and we're one of the only forces that are brave enough to do something."

"What..? Why didn't he tell me that-?"

"Because now you've heard too much." said a deep voice.

It was his father.



King of Darkness

The King of Darkness is the creator of the childish Void Bunny, and immediately has high expectations of the powerful being. However, his plans go awry when Tyler figures out the truth of what his father is doing, and Tyler soon becomes conflicted if he should join the main team because of what the King is doing, or stay with the King for creating him.

The Main Team

Tyler first sees the main team as an antagonistic organization out to assassinate his father for creating him. However, he soon realizes that his father is in the wrong for causing so many casualties against so many people. This causes him to have a mental crisis: Which side should he choose..?

Mysteries to be Solved in the RPG

  • When does Tyler discover his true power?
  • What side does Tyler choose?


Personal Notes: Thank you so much for all of your patience, and apologies that this is so last minute. Deadlines and being absent from school have been crawling up my back like high hell, so I barely had time to focus on the submission at first, but I'm so thankful that it's done, and I pray that I'm able to give them the perfect home with me. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have a pleasant day. <3

Hello there! I know this is kind of last minute, but I'm very interested in this bunny!

However, the catch is that I'm no visual artist.

But due to the minimal amount of submissions, I wanted to ask if I could do a writing submission for them. Not like those submissions you see when people just "wanna use them for my story."

When I mean a writing submission, this is what I mean:




And if you're concerned about if they're going to get drawn in the lucky case that I'm able to give them a home, that's not a problem either. ^^

I collaborate with my friends and they manage to make art for my characters while I write through their development.

Hopefully, this question doesn't hurt to ask, and I'll understand if you want to keep this bunny's contest strictly DTE. Either way, you have a beautiful day. <3

P.S.: I'm planning to do extra entries, I'm mainly inquiring for the required entry.

If you want I can give you a week to make that entry :3
I would close it after Easter 14 or 15 april.

I totally understand the not being a visual artist, artist thing so feel free to submit writing :D

Thank you for the extension, and thank you so much for understanding! I just wanted to keep you updated that I'm halfway done! This is mainly to show I didn't forget about this contest. ^^'

Hopefully, progress will speed up after I'm caught up with school deadlines. <3

EDIT: Should be finishing up before midnight of the deadline!

Reply here for extra entries:

Subbed to the Toyhouse and made a bulletin! <3
