


6 years, 9 months ago



"BOOM! Ah am full'a fricken' magic!"

Full name: Sparx

Sex: male

Age: 32 human years

Species: [PRESUMED TO BE] human soul trapped in various explosive

S.O: He'll date whatever he likes tbh (he's currently in a relationship with a doll so...)

Height: 7'2'' (DEFAULT, but can grow at will)

   Sparx is an obnoxious, overzealous, morbidly excitable, complete lunatic of a guy. He has an unhealthy obsession with anything that has to do with fire, chaos, but most importantly, anything that blows up. Because of this, he works as a pyrotechnic at a circus, mainly working on the fire work display that plays every night. He adores his job because he makes a living off blowing stuff up and making the chaos like 'pretty'. However, pretty much everyone who works at the circus hates him.

   Sparx is a strange entity with a body made up of explosives that defy all laws of logic. For example, his head can come off at will and blow up, but grow back an infinite amount of times. He can seemingly teleport and warp his body in cartoon-style ways.

   His past is shroud in mystery-one even he doesn't really know. All he remembers is darkness, and chaos. He can also vaguely recall being fleshy and smaller, part of a group who's soul purpose was to spread anarchy with their usage of explosives.


REGULAR BOMBS: causes minimal damage, (compared to the other two)

POISON BOMBS: causes small explosions, expels mass amounts of toxic gases, linger up to 48 hours and cause flu-like symptoms 

ARMAGEDDON BOMBS: causes massive damage, throws shards of spikes and shrapnel miles away, often lethal  


-EYEBROWS OPTIONAL, but if drawn, are very thick

-the cords that are his arms, legs, neck and the one fuse on his head can grow and shrink at will

-the fuse on his head is the most flexible and has the most range of movement. It's also very strong

-he has a thick Irish accent. His headcannon voice is JackSepticEye (Youtuber) 

-his favourite animal is a goat

-he has no normal human bodily functions (eating, breathing, waste etc.) but strangely sleeps a lot

-he's a villain in the main timeline (RIOTVERSE) and is nonredeemable, his likeness is in his charismatic villainy and personality. Think Discord from My Little Pony

-he loves making puns and riddles


1. There are 3 official AU's of him: cannon/original, middleground, and redemption (I also shamelessly ripped off Undertale and call them Genocide, Neutral and Pacifist)
Cannon/original/Genocide is his original self, the antagonist of his universe, a total jerk and nonredeemable. He sees everyone and everything as toys he can play with, and if they break, oh well! He'll find some other poor soul to torture. This is his worst self.
Middleground/Neutral is sort of a branch off from the original, but is still vastly different, because if he's treated well enough and by the right person, he is subject to changing his behaviors and viewpoints, and is redeemable.
Redemption/Pacifist is a result of the latter. He is 'changed' and is now a better, gentler, more compassionate soul (he has a boy friend in this AU). He's still got some bad habits, though, but now doesn't really kill or commit arson for the sake of it.

2. Sparx is my only character with an official voice claim! (JackSepticEye from Youtube)

3. He is my second tallest default standing character, reaching 7'3'' (Just barely beating Kat, who stands 7'1'') and is beat out by Kat's demon form (Shigamii) who stands at 7'6'', which is mostly just horn length. However, Sparx has the ability to grow and shrink at will by contracting or extracting his cords. With his legs at their maximum length, and his fuse at it's max, he can be around 40 feet tall, beating out all my characters by far!

4. In the redemption/Pacifist AU, his favourite animal is a goat. (he doesn't have a favourite in the other ones) This is because him and his boyfriend went to the zoo one day, and his boyfriend took a picture of lots of different things. One of the pictures was a very nice couple shot of them in front of the petting zoo. His boyfriend loved this picture so much, he wanted to get it in a nice, fancy frame, and give it to Sparx as an anniversary present. However, due to a miscommunication at the studio, they developed and framed a stupid joke picture he took at a goat instead of the intended picture. Sparx ended up finding the picture, and thought it was the funniest shit he had ever heard. He now loves goats.

5. His age is up for interpretation, but he was 19 when he died.

6. He can completely bend the laws of physics at will and in unexplainable ways. Including contorting his body, seemingly being able to appear at any place at any time, breaking the fourth wall, pull his head off, use it as a weapon and then grow a new one, and even completely combust his whole body (which causes an intense amount of damage, by the way, it's his ultimate attack) and when the smoke clears he's spawned in, like nothing happened at all.

7. Because he lacks all basic bodily functions, he does not require food to 'survive'. However, he does eat for social purposes, like hanging with his friends (Neutral) or with his boyfriend (Pacifist). He also doesn't have taste buds, so he can eat whatever he wants! There are some foods he couldn't eat, though, like tuna, jell-o, tofu, olives etc. because he doesn't like the texture.

8. His facial features are capable of changing and contorting, but because he doesn't really have skin, they are usually stiff and hard to read. If you wanna know his mood, look at how his fuse is moving, hanging, clicking etc. It is very expressive and often conveys his feelings without him noticing. 

FUN FACT! His theme song is Villain by Wild Fire