


2 years, 10 months ago


Calder is one of the four boys produced before the bear school broke apart/dissolved. He was part of a smaller witcher program based out of the northern half of Ard Skellige. A smaller version of the bear school that was tucked away in the mountains. 

Calder, like Angel (hence why the two get along so well), is the most un-bear-like bear to ever call himself a bear. Though, he still possesses bear-like qualities. At times Calder slinks far away from the crowds and purposely avoids large cities. On bad days his temper runs thin and lips pull into a constant half snarl. Ready to bite anyone who dares walk too close. But most of the time, Calder is the one demanding all eyes on him. Calder is a bard at heart and this is evident in the way he dances and sings when excited or singing along with others. 

Growing up Calder was known as the ‘Ursine Songbird’. While he read and studied the beastiary given to him by the instructor, he would tap his fingers or foot along to a beat only he could hear. While performing simple mindless tasks, Calder would sing and hum work songs he made up to effectively pass the time. Because the school was small, Calder was allowed to keep his love for music. They saw no harm in it. Besides, Calder excelled in his studies and his hand to hand combat was some of the finest the instructors have ever seen.

A free spirit whose wings were clipped, Calder still tries. Calder is very charismatic and charming. Using this to his full advantage when hashing out contract details with flighty humans who look ready to piss themselves at the sight of him. The witcher can read between the lines and on more than one occasion this saved his life. Like the swords on his back, Calder wields his intuition and siren tongue as dual weapons.Unlike his steel and silver swords, intuition and pretty words have a bad habit of turning against him. Sometimes Calder doesn’t know when to shut up.

Beneath the alluring fire, Calder is secretly a scared little boy. He isn’t afraid of the dark or the monsters that call it home. He isn’t afraid of thunder or lightning that strikes too close. He isn’t afraid of death or dying. He knows the gods will welcome him with open arms. Instead he fears being alone. Not that he doesn’t enjoy his alone time. He basks in it. What he fears is being truly alone. Being left behind by the world and shut away in a dark closet like a broken mop. When Calder sings or acts over the top, deep down he’s begging, chanting at the crowds to, “Look at me!” Every time he’s run out of a village before he can speak, he becomes just a little more cold towards the world. 

Calder hates being a witcher. He hates it with a passion. At times he wishes he can build up the courage to gouge out his own eyes. Living life as a helpless, homeless beggar would be better than living as a witcher. Calder can never bring himself to do it. Instead he vows to never leave Skellige. The Skelliger people are far more accepting of witchers than the people of the continent. Calder can remember his first and last trip to the continent. It was a horrid experience for the second year witcher. Still so young. Haven’t yet hardened like the much older witchers. He will in time, but that doesn’t mean he’ll ever be found roaming the continent. 

Calder is 6’7 and 245lbs. Don’t let his size frighten you, he is far from the biggest bear. Not to mention, Calder has the strange ability to appear small and meak. Much like a kicked puppy. Calder keeps a clean undercut, while allowing the hair on top to grow long (almost past his collar bone atm). He keeps the longer hair in a tight braid and decorates his red locks with a variety of jewelry when he doesn’t have it up in a bun. His face is squared with a subtle rounding in his jaw. This can be missed because of his neatly kept beard. His beard is full and thick, but he keeps it tight and neatly trimmed. Calder’s skin is like honey. He enjoys his sun and takes any chance he has to bask in it. Besides a dusting of freckles on his nose, shoulders, chest, and back, Calder also possesses a few tattoos. Mostly protection runes and sigils. 

(This character is still under construction. Details and information above might change or be added).