


2 years, 10 months ago


She's a hexblood druid... but actually she's a witch, and also actually she's a satyr

a full, fairytale style witch, complete with sending people to sleep (for 60 seconds not 100 years), turning people into animals (but just herself at the moment), disappearing in a puff of green smoke (and only travelling 30ft), summoning swarms of undead from teeth she's found (next level)...

yeah, strong case of trainee witch who needs more time to work on her magic

I'm putting all of her familiar's forms here as well for ease. Her familiar is called tekla and kallie deems her a good cat, and as a witch, that should be telling on whether she actually is. she's a sleepy cat who is fully dormant for about 20 hours a day. Tekla can take other forms, but is too lazy to take on any forms that'd be useful in a fight.

Kallie's parents were infertile and her dad made a deal with the local witch/hag to be able to have children. The witch granted it on the condition that she would mark out the children she would claim as her own. This makes her dad a rubbish warlock
Kallie's mum became pregnant with twins; daphne and kallie. daphne is the older twin by a couple hours, and is your stereotypical fairytale looking woman complete with bright yellow hair and sapphire blue eyes... and kallie is basically what happens when you hit invert colours on her sister. daphne is the "perfect" sister; she's perfectly polite and gentle and kind, and seemingly faultless, while kallie's all rough edges. (I have still yet to design Daphne but if you're seeing Kallie and want to draw Daphne, absolutely go for it)

the witch is kind of like a second mother to kallie (although she calls her auntie), but simultaneously more fun and more of a nag, always getting kallie to do weird things and bring her weird stuff.

their town is literally a fairytale town. her granddad was the one who sold jack magic beans for a cow, and the legal fees from a giant flattening half the town cost all the beans.... but at least they had land and a cow to start another type of farm - they own a ranch now.

puts up a double bluff act of being an actual evil witch. she's not evil, although she knows at some point she'll become a hag and therefore probably become evil but at the very least stop caring about major societal good in the same way. the snark is bc she's used to being constantly perceived as evil by default and it's a lot easier to live with that if you're a bit deflective / snarky about it. she's really nice deeper down but that surface level is ALL snark