Lavender Hearer



2 years, 10 months ago


Lav, The Forest’s Ears (she/they)

"A little cat who blends in with the sharp foliage of the Witch’s Forest. Their eyes are commonly mistaken for the flowers that adorn their fur.

Books whisper that their eyes lure you into sharing your secrets. Whether it be tales of a secret lover or that you ate the last cake slice, they’ll know about it. Despite the scary rumour, it has been said that folks feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders after divulging.." - krakenpho

The forest’s winds carry whispers of many names describing the same eyes - the Lavender Hearer, the Forest’s Ears, Friend of the Thicket. And so it continues, though specifics grow murky, that the Forest’s Ears were sent from the very heavens - or perhaps they are last living remnant of the ruins they seem keen to inhabit. How else, then, could one begin to describe the ethereal quality their presence seems to bring? Indeed, the Lavender Hearer’s pointed gaze has something of a celestial quality to it - soft enough to bring comfort to weary souls, yet strong enough to compel even the most troubled of folk to bring their darkest secrets to light.

For all that can be said about the Forest’s Ears’ status as something rather divine, however, their lackadaisical nature says everything but - indeed, Lav seems to take the world in a rather serene way, seeking the natural beauty of life in the forest’s inhabitants. Though they carry the weighty eminence of being an eternal denizen to the Forest, they are a friend of all - eager to listen to the troubles of any that they cross paths with.