Pastry (dessert puppy idol)



Nickame: Pay
Age: 18
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday: February 14th
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: neapolitan puppy
Height: 5'2"
Orientation: aromantic bisexual
Occupation: leader of idol group
Home: earth
Closest friends: Ember, Midnight, Sunbeam
Favorite color: pastel pink
  • singing
  • dancing
  • being the center of attention
  • eating sweets
  • Cafe Parfait

I really love Pastry, she's a total dreamie Pastry is the one of the stars in an idol group I'm currently working on! She's super famous while she doesn't work at Café Parfait, her cousin Pancake does. Pastry is beloved by the staff at the Café and is considered an honorary member. She loves to sing, dance and perform as the superstar she is.

*temporary* I actually don't have all of the designs for the idol group done yet! I still have two more to make, then to draw them all together to make it official. If you're reading this, consider it an exclusive sneak peak into what's to come :3

  • haters
  • "fake friends"
  • money hungry management
  • being taken advantage of
  • being one upped