The Enduring Sea



3 years, 1 month ago


The Enduring Sea

Ze/Zem or They/Them • Gender Apathetic


Born from the faded essence of the twin gods, Justice and Equity, The Enduring Sea was once a being representing both those catlike gods and the humans they co-existed with. Their own legacy is not so beloved, however. Convicted of hideous serial murders and sentenced to death long ago, they have earned a place in history as a cowardly traitor, a bloodthirsty monster who cared only for power. Their name, their magic, the details of their prior life, even every picture-all of it has been stricken away, so that The Enduring Sea may be forgotten. The only one who cares to remember zem now is The Grey Dance-the person ze were once closest with.

Mysteries and curious shadows wrap themselves around The Enduring Sea; many try to delve into this world’s past only to be frustrated by the presence of a ghost with no name. Countless people have also attempted to unravel zer life, only to inevitably give up on it. Though long dead and mostly erased, The Enduring Sea still clings to the present-as if some part of them survives, and wants to be remembered. Their existence, tarnished as it is, is integral to understanding this world.