


2 years, 10 months ago


  • Jericho Beck

  • D.O.B October 3rd, 1999
  • Pronouns He/she/they
  • Species Cat
  • role Anti-hero
  • theme

Quiet • Untrusting • Relentless


Jericho is a part of the ACA! Feel free to check out the World to see more

Jericho is fairly reserved and quiet until he determines if the person he is speaking with is safe or not. Because of his past experiences, she does not trust easily, tending to wait until she is sure that someone is not working with the MRCF.

With friends, or general people Jericho determines to be safe, he tends to be a very funny and chill person.

Because he was never really given a childhood, Jericho can act childish around friends.

Despite being rather impulsive, he is very smart and knows not to jump headfirst into things, usually instead taking the cautious route.

"I wouldn't do it if I didn't have to. But I do. And that's why he's gone."

height 9.2in

weight 3lbs

pronouns he/she/they

sexuality biromantic, asexual

dob 10/03/99

sign libra

powers extreme super speed

mentor quentin beck/mysterio

mbti INTP

place of birth new york

languages english, sign

nicknames jeri

obtained designed by me

value not for sale

design notes

  • very fluffy
  • lightning bolt symbol on back
  • ear tufts
  • feel free to simplify!

character notes

  • scar on paw
  • doesnt carry weapons
  • suit has cape
  • fur usually messy from running


Jericho, born with a different, but unknown name, was brought up for the first year of her life with her parents. However, as most mutant stories go, when his parents realized he was a mutant, they rushed to hate and quickly declared that they had no intentions of keeping him.

Jericho’s parents managed to get into contact with the Mutant Research and Containment Facility (MRCF), who they surrendered their child to quickly. It is unknown of Jericho’s family had any other children afterwards.

The MRCF is a rather small facility off the coast of Washington that deals in specifically young (ages 0-4) mutant cases and how their powers develop.As you could imagine from any facility that takes young children, the MRCF is not a kind place.

Jericho has very little memory of any of their time here, apart from a vague remembrance of when he was taken away from the facility, having been wrapped in a blanket and taken outside into a truck where she looked out the window to see the stars for the first time.

Jericho is taken in by foster parents who are also mutants, although with less extreme powers. This family had been taking in outcasts from the MRCF for many years now, and Jericho found himself among many other young mutants.

The foster parents had taken in ten total kids, including Jericho. Because of the life Jericho had lived before, he never found himself bonding with any of these children, or even his foster parents, which led him to never consider any of them family. Despite this sentiment, Jericho did learn many valuable things from his foster family, namely, how to control her powers.

Jericho left her foster family at age 13, fearing the MRCF finding them and bringing them to a possibly worse facility. Because she was 13, she needed lots of help along the way, and had made many connections with various people, but never any significant enough to be mentioned.


At some point, Jericho meets Wanda, Irina, and Pietro Maximoff and takes to the family quickly. I don’t know how exactly this works into the MCU timeline, but they will have met before Ultron takes in the Maximoffs..

Jericho immediately finds a connection between her and Pietro, since both children are speedsters. In the time they are together, the two end up very close.

Eventually Jericho loses contact with all of the Maximoffs, due to his fear that the MRCF still had a tracker on him, which could lead to the Maximoffs being captured and killed.

However, this time apart did not last long. Jericho quickly found out that they were working with the Avengers, and managed to bring up enough courage to go after them.

During this short time of working with the Avengers, Pietro convinced Jericho that he was safe from the MRCF, and Jericho began to wonder if he could make a life around the Avengers.

This thought, unfortunately did not last long. When Pietro is killed, Jericho refuses any offer to continue working for the Avengers, breaking off connections with all of them out of grief.

Jericho begins to look into his past. After being convinced by Pietro that the MRCF is no longer following him, Jericho becomes ignited with the need to figure out who they really are, and who freed him.

Using inside connections through S.H.I.E.L.D (or more specifically, with the help of Newt), Jericho finds out that there are two CEOs, although one had long since retired.

The only man still remaining is Aeson “Ace” Ledger. With this information, Jericho basically declares revenge on Ace, and attempts to formulate a plan on how exactly to do it, but his fear of getting near the MRCF and general common sense keeps him from putting any real plans into action.

He continues to wonder and live alone all throughout these times.


Jericho does not get blipped, but instead continues his search. She comes to find out that Ace hadn’t blipped either, which only fuels her anger.

Jericho knows from her previous sources that this man was still torturing young mutants to this day, and that he was likely connected to something even bigger.When it seemed like Jericho was at the peak of their frustration and hatred towards Ace, a ‘familiar’ face showed up at her doorstep.

This was the face of Quentin Beck.

Quentin introduced himself as not only the business partner of Aeson Ledger, but also the man who had saved Jericho’s life.

Quentin explained his own hatred towards Ace, having come from long years of basically being abused by the man. Quentin claimed he was forced to help capture and torture mutants, and left as soon as he had the opening to. Jericho would later find out this story wasn’t fully a lie, but was incredibly embellished to favor Beck’s side of it.

The two bonded quickly, despite Jericho’s original suspicion of him, and quickly became mentor/mentee. They shared the one similar goal of taking down Ace, though Quentin had some other large business men he wanted to take down on the way (namely, Tony Stark).

Jericho had previously worked with Tony to help take down Ultron, but generally never had any strong opinions on the man. Because of this, Jericho was easily swayed to dislike Tony when Quentin explained his own hatred.

Jericho not only learned a lot about technology and the concept of illusions (mostly how to seem stronger than you are), but also managed to form a better understanding of her own mutation. Since Quentin had worked in the ‘mutant research’ business for quite a few years, he knew many tricks and tips to improve Jericho’s powers that she had no idea even existed.

The two worked together throughout the entire blip.

After everyone had returned and Thanos had been killed, Jericho and Quentin’s plan was set into motion, with their first focus being Tony Stark’s legacy.

The events of Far From Home play out, this time with Jericho helping out Quentin whenever she gets the opportunity.

Regardless, after the events of Far From Home, Jericho takes Beck’s last name, either as a nod to his death, or because of their father/child relationship.

After 2025, Jericho Beck's status is unknown.


The Maximoffs

[ family ] Jericho is quite close to all of the Maximoffs, seeing them as the first family she ever came into contact with. Specifically, she is close to Pietro. Jericho considers himself the 'cool uncle' of Irina and Shadow (despite the pushback from the kids). He is close friends with Wanda, although refuses contact from her after Pietro's death.


Quentin Beck

[ mentor/father ] Though not by blood, Jericho considers Beck to be the closest thing to a parent she can get. The two look out for eachother consistantly, and Beck is the one who saved Jericho from the group they were originally a part of.


Aeson “Ace” Ledger

[ enemies ] After Jericho was freed from the facility, Ace was enraged, but did nothign to go after him. Jericho has dedicated the majority of his life to trying to find and kill Ace, as well as freeing any other mutants he may still have in captivity.

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