


8 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Net Worth:



Based off of hot chocolate shots

Name: [Moesen Vash] 

Name Meaning:
[Welsh, means, "drawn out"]

Age: [20]

Gender: [Male]

Weight/Height: [145 lbs and 6'0"]

Animal-Type: [Wolf]

Drink/Recipe: [Hot Chocolate Shot… ]

Status: [Single and ready to chase ta booty]

Orientation: [Pansexual]

Best Friend: N/A

Friends: N/A

Kemonomimi He’s Met: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Rivals: N/A

Lover(s): N/A

Themesong: [Idola No Circus (Himeringo version/Recommend you not watching the video if you are under 16)…

Personality: [Moesen  is something else. He acts as if he has an extreme case of mania.  He’ll seem normal, then he will suddenly become extremely energetic and  downright crazy and then suddenly he’ll be exhausted and fed up with  everything. Anything can set off his burst of energy or his meltdown. A  simple task like calling someone on the phone or merely a simple subject  comes into view. When he’s in his energetic mode he is extremely loud  and attracts a lot of attention. This is usually when people think he’s  insane. Then when all that energy leaves him he acts like a man who just  lost his winning lottery ticket. He becomes fed up and complains and  acts as a total buzzkill, granted when he’s in this depressed mode he  loves to gossip about others. Moesen has a couple of feminist qualities,  though the main one is his love for fashion magazines, cheesy romance  shows, and gossip. Also let’s not forget to mention Moesen when he’s in  his normal mode. Normal mode he still sees a bit…strange, like sometimes  it just doesn’t seem like stuff is registering in his head but he’s  very curious, finding knowledge to be power. Also when he’s in his  normal mode he’s fairly polite, though a bit blunt/too lax and  mischievous. Despite his mania, Moesen is very tricky,  clever, and pretty much in full-control. He may be nice but he never lets  others in, and instead he’s a selfish opportunist due to insecurities.  Be warned, if he begins prying you with multiple questions then he is  trying to figure you out, to see how he can take advantage of you if it  ever provides a reward. He can also be a major hypocrite, sadly. Beware  of his meltdowns, this guy is often under a lot of stress. Which is also  one of the reasons he has a weak immune system. The more you know.] 

Likes: [Attractive  people, being left alone, learning, gossiping, fashion magazines,  romance shows, CHOCOLATE -insert spongebob meme here-]

Dislikes: [Ugly  people, being probed with questions about his, mania,  pressure of any kind, comedy shows that have no romance in them]

History: [Not  much is known about this strange guy. There are plenty of rumors  though, most revolving around an accident of some sort that changed his world. However despite all the rumors and such, he  lived a pretty normal life with loving parents and a happy family that  were able to put up with him. When he became old enough to leave home  and take care of himself he set out immediately. He then eventually  arrived in Amenity after hearing about it through his travels. Deciding  to live in town for a while he of course had to check out the cafes! His  love for chocolate should not be underestimated.]

Love: [When  it comes to romance he is a bit of a player. He’s never fully  understood love and just sees its pleasures. So he can be a bit of a sly  flirt but when others come on too strong in the method of trying to be  in an actual relationship with him he freaks out. It’d take a lot of  effort to get him to even think of going in a relationship. His favorite  targets to tease with flirts are timid ladies and shotas (no  one knows why short people amuse him). As his lover you would constantly  have to deal with his energy swings and honestly it’ll be an exhausting  ride but those few moments when he’s in normal mode are quite pleasant.]

Additional: [Is literally a hobo who has nothing to do and is currently trying to find a place to live.]

RP Info: [Currently  looking for rps with him. I mainly rp lit and semi-lit but I like  goofing around with script too. I will rp on notes, skype, th, etc.  However I will not rp on comments and I prefer to know if you're a minor  or not so I can adjust myself.]