nemu kioshi



2 years, 10 months ago



Full name: Nemu Kioshi

Nickname(s): Nem, Kio

Hero name: tbd

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Age: 15-18

Birthday: December 4th

Sexuality: Straight Demi

Religion: Atheist 

Languages spoken: English, Japanese 

Native language: Japanese 


Height: 5'3

Weight: 115

Hair colour: Dark purple

Hairstyle: messier, left down

Eye colour: Dark Gray 

Preferred style of clothing: Comfy stuff

Personality and other bits

Personality: Introverted, blunt, insulting sense of humor, nonchalant, independent, strong mentality. 

Likes: Sleeping, nights, movies, LED lights

Dislikes: Summer, mornings, bright lights or rooms, animals 


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Aggressive

Fighting skills/techniques: She is really quick and risky, she really likes to jump from high places and use her little bandage wraps to swing. 

Special skills/magical powers/etc: She is pretty flexible and really good at parkour.

Weapon of choice: Bandage wrap things.

Weaknesses in combat: She loses focus quickly, more attentive to how she is doing rather than the other person. 

Strengths in combat: Really quick with her movements and stealthy, also pretty strategically accurate.

Quirk Information

Quirk Name: Hypnotic 

Quirk Type: (The three known quirk types are "Emitter", "Transformation" and "Mutant")
Quirk Description: This quirk allows the user to put the 'victim' in a deep state of hypnosis, causing them to become unable to think or move since they're in a hypnosis state. However, the user can not command them to do anything the hypnosis. It just removes their conscious

Quirk Side Effects: Causes the user to get extremely tired, have extreme headaches and isolate themselves. 

Quirk Range: without equipment, she is can fight with a medium distance. with gear, she can go give off her quirk for a long distance. (she must send vibrational waves at different frequencies to 'hypnotize' the other person)


  • Power//Attack: /4
  • Speed: /5
  • Technique: /4
  • Intelligence: /3.5
  • Cooperativeness: /2
  • Leadership: /3
  • Physical Strength: /3
  • Stamina: /3
  • Observation: /2
  • Mental Strength: /3.5
  • Will To Act//Bravery: /4
  • Confidence: /5
  • Humor: /2.5
  • Social Skills: /1.5
  • Empathy: /3
  • Memory: /4
  • Tactical skills: /5
  • Patience: /2

School Information

School Before Hero Academy's / School: Aldera Junior High

Hero School: U.A