Kit Taylor



6 years, 9 months ago


velvet gloves, you're still a stunner

don't be down girl, this world is a bummer

Name Christopher James Taylor
Gender Male
Age ?
DoB ?
Sexuality Homosexual
Race Caucasian
Height 5'7
Build Small, petite. Roughly 130lbs.
Handedness Right
Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana


  • animals
  • Jesse
  • naps
  • luxury
  • cooking
  • attention


  • coffee
  • alcohol
  • his family
  • the dark
  • storms
  • being alone


  • Talks to himself. A lot.
  • Kit is bilingual, he can speak relatively good French - a relic left from his days on his family's plantation in Baton Rouge.
  • Likes to cause chaos for no other reason than he feels like it, frequently gets reprimanded for it by Jesse.
  • Can fall asleep absolutely anywhere, at any time, at the drop of a hat.
  • Extremely needy, can't go more than five minutes without hassling Jesse for attention. .
  • Somehow can make more or less anything taste good when cooking.

Other Info

  • Romantic Involvements: ♥'s Jesse Carson
  • Religious Affiliation:  Protestant Christian
  • Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Spoken Languages: English (primary), French
  • Mental Ailments: Anxiety, ADHD
  • Physical Ailments: Asthma, and slightly sensitive skin - he also sunburns incredibly easily. Tends to get cold a lot.
  • Vices: Smokes from time to time, something of a satyromaniac



  • american paint horse mare
  • grey framed overo
  • mild mannered, gentle, easy keeper, excitable

Negative Traits

Kit loses his temper quickly and tends to be very easily irritated. He's heavily governed by his emotions and tends to act on them before he really thinks. Kit takes offense to things others say quickly, this can sometimes make other people feel like they have to walk on eggshells around him or be extra careful what they say due to his sensitive disposition. His anger isn't explosive, but he isn't afraid to tell others off. Kit's irritability can get worse if he's tired or feeling out of sorts, he can be quick to snap and this can sometimes create tension with others. Kit could start an argument in an empty room.

Kit doesn't like to wait too long for things, it tends to make him impatient and grumpy. He's useless at stakeouts and he's useless at hunting trips. Anything that involves too much waiting around is something that Kit doesn't want to be part of, he likes the action to happen immediately and if it doesn't, it tends to frustrate him. Kit gets bored quickly, if he can't do a task or figure something out in good time he becomes frustrated and gives up on it. Jesse is desperate to have him as a fishing partner, but Kit doesn't like to wait.

Kit never really grew up properly, after spending most of his life getting more or less everything he wanted and never having to look after himself, running with the gang is a huge change. He has a childish nature, he gets a little cross when things don't go his way and tends to sulk about it. Kit has been thoroughly spoiled for most of his life, and so he still expects the same treatment. He's not the kind of person who you'd want to leave important tasks to, at least, not alone. Kit is irresponsible and tends to shrug off any kind of responsibility given to him onto other people. Whether it's intentional or not, it's not clear, but it's safe to say that Kit doesn't function too well as an adult.

Once Kit has settled on a idea it's often difficult to get him to change his mind unless you do it forcibly, he's extremely stubborn and more often than not it can cause a clash of ideas with the other gang members. Kit can be incredibly argumentative at the best of times, he doesn't like to be told he's wrong or that his ideas are bad and will often clap back and start fights. It can be incredibly difficult to get Kit to listen and can make him a very irritating individual to deal with. Even Jesse struggles to change his mind when he's set on a idea.

Kit has an anxious nature and worries a lot, his brain is constantly wondering what if and sometimes it can knock his confidence or make him feel scared. It sometimes affects his decision making and Kit will often shy away from things he is worried won't turn out the way he wants it to. His self-esteem is weak from time to time, and he relies on the more confident members of the gang to back him up and give him the confidence boost he sometimes needs. Kit's anxieties keep him up at night now and again, he tries his best to be as optimistic as possible, but even the brightest personalities struggle every now and then. Jesse is usually on hand to listen to Kit's worries, and quell them if he can.

Kit doesn't often think before he acts, he lets his emotions govern him and this can often get him into situations he'd rather not be in. He's impulsive, and will jump into things before he's really thought about the consequences of them. Kit makes decisions quickly without much thought and it often takes someone else to point out to him that perhaps he should give it a little more time before he throws himself into it. Kit's slightly unpredictable nature tends to keep the gang on their toes - you never know what he's going to bring back to camp.

Kit's massively outgoing nature means that sometimes he can come across awfully brash or sometimes a little rude. Kit has no problems butting into conversations or talking over others, and often he forcibly makes himself the dominant voice in a conversation. It's not that he does it to be intentionally rude, it's just that he likes to talk, and he likes to be involved. Often, it's difficult for him to understand why charging into a conversation he wasn't previously a part of and overtaking it is rude, or not acceptable.

Neutral Traits

Kit pokes his nose into everything whether it's his business or not, he's insatiably curious and always likes to know what's going on. He's always asking how or why and it's fine if you have the patience for it, but if not, it's downright annoying. Kit's curiosity can frequently go one of two ways, either leading him to new and interesting discoveries that benefit himself or the gang, or leading himself directly into trouble that means someone else has to pull him out of it. You know what they say, "curiosity killed the cat."

Kit cannot tell a lie. He is from time to time, brutally honest, whether he means to be or not. He's not intentionally mean, but his reluctance to straight up lie to people - even white lies - can sometimes get him into sticky situations. He's not afraid to give others a truthful answer when asked for it, even if the situation calls for a lie. If you've got a bad haircut or a poor outfit choice, he'll be the first to tell you. Kit doesn't fully understand why others would lie or bend the truth, and tends to get upset when he finds out he has been lied to by someone else. Kit is probably the most reliable member of the gang when it comes to getting the real truth - maybe that's why he doesn't always get told everything.

Kit is a live wire, he's usually bouncing off the walls and has troubles sitting still. He tends to be more or less ready for anything so long as he's with his friends but often his seemingly boundless amounts of energy can exhaust everyone else around him. He's easily excitable and easily riled up. The world fascinates and excites him and he's always thrilled to have new experiences. However, in more serious situations it can sometimes be a little difficult to get Kit to settle down so everyone else can think. Kit is bouncy and playful and always ready to rope anyone else in to whatever game he's playing - whether they want to play or not.

Kit is extremely sensitive, both physically and emotionally. He's incredibly in touch with his inner feelings and emotions and it's not often difficult to tell how he's feeling. However, it's easy to upset Kit, a wrong word or action and he'll more than likely let you know it; he can be tearful at the best of times and can seemingly switch on the waterworks like flipping a switch - and God forbid you make Kit cry while Jesse is around. Kit doesn't appreciate too much rough handling unless he's asked for it, he prefers a gentle touch and a patient lover.

Kit's friendly nature means that he likes to talk and once you get him into conversation it can be incredibly difficult to shut him up. Kit can talk the leg off a donkey and he doesn't particularly care whether you answer him or not. This is both a blessing and a curse depending on who you are, it makes for an incredible decoy or distraction when the rest of the gang are robbing someone, but if you're riding with him, it's a different matter. Kit often doesn't know when to shut up, and even when he's reprimanded for it, silence doesn't particularly last very long. It's probably best just to tune him out.

Despite how hard he tries, Kit isn't a particularly brave boy, he takes fright easily and usually doesn't stick around long enough to face his fears. He's not the most useful in high pressure, dangerous situations since his first instinct is to run rather than turn and fight - but it's also good at getting him out of danger. Kit is scared of the dark, scared of thunderstorms and doesn't like when others raise their voice at him. It's easy to get him to cower. He tends to seek comfort in those he knows are braver than him, it gives him a sense of security.

Kit's mind functions at a hundred miles per hour, so it's no surprise that it's incredibly easy to pull him away from whatever task he's doing. Although this can be incredibly frustrating when others are trying to get him to focus, it also means he's somewhat good at multitasking. Kit likes to have multiple things to do at once, it helps him stop his mind from wandering too far if he can pour his focus into more than one task. That being said, it doesn't mean something more interesting wont still draw him away from what he's doing.

Kit is far too innocent for his own good, he has an almost pure nature and can sometimes have poor judgement of other people due to his overly trusting personality. He can sometimes have a rose tinted view of the world due to his lack of experience and it can be upsetting to him when he realises the truth. Kit’s innocence can be refreshing in a world of filthy outlaws and corrupt lawmen, but it can also get him into some undesirable situations. Kit is soft, and still a little wet behind the ears.

Positive Traits

Kit has a friendly nature, he's more than comfortable in social situations and is happy to be the center of attention. Kit is easy to spend time around, his outgoing nature tends to make others around him relax and open up a little. He has no issues inserting himself into conversations and doesn't have too much of an issue making new friends either. He's approachable and gets along with most personalities. Kit falls into a crowd a little easier than most, he's something of a social butterfly and is happiest surrounded by those he considers friends. Kit is usually the first one to offer a friendly hand to a stranger, despite the fact it can sometimes get him into trouble.

Kit often notices things that others don't, whether it be in the environment or someone's subtle change in emotion. He has keen ears and keen eyes and often hears or sees things before anyone else does. It makes him useful out scouting, as Kit will often find things that no one else noticed. He's awfully good at deducing whether someone or not is telling the truth and tends to pick up on microexpressions someone doesn't even know they're making. He's especially good at this when it comes to Jesse; like all the best mothers, you can't hide much from Kit.

Kit is optimistic and tries to find the best in all situations. He's usually hopeful that things will work out in the end, even when they're at their worst. He has faith in his family that they'll pull through and his optimistic nature tends to rub off on the other around him. Kit always sees the best in other people no matter what they've done, and tends to believe that most people are good at the heart of it all. He tries to look on the brighter side of life as a way of keeping his own spirits high.

Kit is creative and imaginative, he tends to daydream a lot and can come up with plans or ideas that might have slipped by the older, slightly less creative men in camp. He's good at fabricating stories and is usually happy among the pages of a dime novel or listening to stories at the campfire. Kit tends to exaggerate from time to time and can sometimes, unintentionally, make the truth sound more fantastical than it really is.

Kit is smart, he's been formally taught from a young age - a benefit he holds over a few of his illiterate companions. He's got a sharp mind when it comes to solving problems and his way of critical thinking can often overcome obstacles that the gang is struggling with. He's well read and knows his ways around reading, writing and arithmatic. Kit is smart with numbers, he can count better than most of the other members of the gang and his comprehension of the written word is second to none. Kit might be wildly inadequate when it comes to world experience, but he certainly isn't stupid.

Although this wasn't once true, since joining the Carson Gang, Kit's opinion of others has changed for the better. He doesn't tend to judge other people too much, as his family of all kinds of misfits made him realise that underneath it all, everyone is human. Kit is happy to make friends with more or less anyone regardless of their background. He is always curious of others' experiences and often ready to listen and take on new ideas. His lack of experience in the world makes him a little more ready to hear others views of things from their point of view than most men might be.

Kit has a mostly gentle nature, he's sugary sweet and perhaps even cute. He's kind toward others and often has something nice to say to those who need a pick-me-up. Kit doesn't like to see those he loves upset, he's not bound by the restraints of toxic masculinity and isn't afraid to show love or affection to others. He's not as ready to fight as some of the other members of the gang, preferring to stay out of violence unless he has no other choice. Kit has a particular soft spot towards animals, he frequently gets upset with Jesse for the slightly mean treatment he gives his stallion.


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