


6 years, 8 months ago


name: Sara

Species: Bunny

Age: depends

Series: BNHA 

Support Type ; class with Shinsou 

bestfriends with Deku, Shinsou, Bakugou, Kirishima, and Oujiro


Sara is born in Japan, she has her mother and father though her father is rarely home.

She knows he's busy out doing superhero work though and so she doesn't mind it, often she got compared to her father who is really strong.

They said, "Are you going to be a hero just like your dad?"

then they find out she doesn't have the same powers but takes after her mom, which is fine with her but everyone made fun of her saying it wasn't falshy or cool enough to be a superhero.

her power is sound and she can scream really loudly to break anything and even loud enough to cause hearing damage permanently

People found her scary when she raised her voice a bit, or thought her power was weak because she got called often; "Just a bunny" 

but she wants to prove to everyone that's not all she is

She wants to be a hero but learns that she's more suited to be a sidekick and she is still fine with that as she can still prove  she isn't useless, and plans to show the world her capabilities. She wants to save a lot of people and help out anyone.
