Zeke's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

cabbynetman Global Rules


You are free to do almost anything with my designs after you recieve them, such as changing their gender or species. go crazy aahh go stupid aarhah

I only have a few really important rules:

-you can use designs for commercial use as long as you don't use the art i made of them. if its your art or art you have permission to use, then go ahead!!

-dont make offensive artwork featuring my designs. racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia and anything of that sort will not be tolerated and u will be blacklisted if i find out.

-if you didn't get a design of mine with real currency, please don't resell it for money unless it has added artwork / worth. it's okay do do this if you are in a genuine emergency, or you need funds urgently.

-also don't trade/sell them if you got them for free. i don't make much of these but if its a design i gifted to you, don't trade or sell it unless it has extra art.

-minor edits to my artwork of the design such as filters, hue shifting, or adding small details are allowed without permission, though still very appreciated if you do ask.

-for larger edits such as drawing over my art of the design or heavily altering my art of the design in some way, please ask first!

idrc what you do with my designs as long as ur not doing offensive or morally wrong things, basically. i love creativity and love to see what people do with my designs, don't be afraid to show me stuff you've made with them!


Do not give my designs to the people listed under any circumstances. if you genuinely didn't know and did it accidentally that's fine, but on thin ice. If it happens again you probably will be blacklisted also, so please pay attention to this! <:[

-custerfuck/naturesmockery/SIC/dogwalk/etc [https://toyhou.se/~tickets/create/user/328106]. made false accusations and also just generally not a good person. heres a bulletin for more details. also was incredibly pushy to me about offers when i said no, and never sent me the character I was owed for a custom I made them.

-DEERM3AT/CAV1TY [https://toyhou.se/~tickets/create/user/158790]. knowingly interacts with proshippers, has drawn feral nsfw, has admitted to drawing incest.