Asa's Comments

is this character still available for sale?
I also have this character for trade, could do them + $ if you like them! :)

or would be interested in just buying if not interested in the goat dragon :D

Oh goodness yes they are!  And aww my goodness that design is ADORABLE, theyre so darn well done and I just love their colors aaaa!!  They’re so well designed and I adore the art, and gosh I wish I had any ideas for them because I’d snap them up in an instant!!  I’m actually trying to clear out a lot of my designs at the moment though and I’d hate to accept another design I dont have a clear idea for, they deserve better than to be with me potentially collecting dust!

But I am more than happy to sell this darling still!  If you’re still interested you’re welcome to DM me your PayPal email and I’ll go on ahead and send you over an Invoice 💕

Tysm for your kind words on the design, it means to much to hear it!! <3! And no worries, I completely understand wanting to downsize OCs to keep the ones you want to develop most!

I am definitely still interested in purchasing and will send you my PayPal! :)

Does anyone in here interest you?

I absolutely love the colors on this gorgeous bean

Thank you so much for your time!

Oooo you've got such amazing designs ahh a few were very tempting, but I just can't see myself using any of them and I'd hate to take such a cute design just for it to collect dust <3 thank you so much for offering!

No worries at all! I totally understand

Thank you for looking though!

Do any of my characters for anywhere look good to you?

Awww your characters are all adorable!!!  I just didn't see anybody I'd use unfortunately, but I loved looking at them all!

Thank you^^