Yochi 👑



6 years, 10 months ago


cupdcrumb_by_onlyhalfpigeon-dbltx0x.pngName: Yochi
Gender: Male
Species: Fox Chimera
Age: Young Adult
Birthday: June 2nd
Orientation: ???

✔ Likes: napping, swimming, procrastinating, plants, soft things, being alone  | stealing, gold things, shiny things, laughing, lying, being deceptive

✘ Dislikes: small spaces, being called lazy,

"Talk about two-faced..."

Yochi is a very elaborate individual. Or maybe he’s not so ‘individual’ after all. Yochi is a fox chimera and has two sets of DNA, but DNA is not the only thing he has two of. He also has two very distinct personalities. Yes, he suffers from dissociative identity disorder or more commonly known as split personalities.

Personality 1

Yochi is a very mellow fox. He can mostly be found napping in a lush grassy spot during the day or taking a swim in a nearby stream. He’s certainly not one to rush and loves to take his time. Some may call him a bit lazy, but he doesn’t really mind. He’d rather use the words placid and easygoing than lazy. Yochi just likes to stop and smell the roses more often than not. He’s also very forgetful. If there was something he was supposed to do it’ll most likely slip his mind. As a result of his placidness and tendency to forget, Yochi doesn’t get a lot done.

You’ll almost always find Yochi by himself. He’s a loner and enjoys his own company. He values being able to hear himself think. That’s not to say he doesn’t appreciate having friends though. He would also rather his friends to not be clingy, because he’s definitely someone that likes his space. If someone were to invade his personal space or pester him he would tell them in his politest way possible that he wanted to be alone. However, if someone really needed Yochi’s help he would definitely stop what he was doing and try his best to help them. When someone needs his help is the only time Yochi would ever give 100% in something.      

Anyone who knew Yochi would tell you that he’s very warm and earnest. Even though he’s a loner he wants to appear approachable to others. He always tries to be as kind as possible to others, even when his patience wears thin. It takes a lot to annoy Yochi though. He has a lot of patience and tolerance. Yochi just enjoys the simple things in life and doesn’t really care for material possessions. He’s content just the way he is.

Personality 2

(Because Yochi is nocturnal, a lot of times the presence of night awakens his second personality.)

When the sun sets Yochi becomes a menace, almost like a werewolf. He has a very strong impulse to steal things he finds desirable and sometimes even things he doesn’t just out of spite. His stealth and cunningness make him the perfect thief. He’s also very fast and swift. It’s just a flash of black and brown and he’s gone. You won’t even know what hit you. Anyone that has something shiny or pretty better hide it, because Yochi will take it in a heartbeat. He has no empathy for others and is only concerned with himself.

If, for argument’s sake, Yochi did get caught doing something shifty he would definitely find a way to weasel out of it. He knows how to smooth-talk his way out of any sticky situation, because he’s incredibly persuasive and a good liar. Lying comes naturally for him. He lies so much even he almost believes himself sometimes. He can also tell when someone is lying to him. Yochi has a way of reading individuals and enjoys finding their weakness and exploiting it to his advantage.

Sometimes Yochi is just plain loony. Aside from being notorious for his thievery he’s also known for being all over the place when it comes to his emotions. One minute he can be laughing hysterically for no reason and then Yochi will be extremely paranoid, thinking everyone’s out to get him. His mind is like a roller coaster going up and down rapidly. All of the things going on inside his head at once can cause him to snap and lash out aggressively. Â