
2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Real Name

Alice (Last name unknown)








Straight/Demiromantic(to a degree)






Once a kind girl who was spoiled by her parents, turned into an unempathetic woman full of malice and hate for the world she had to live on
Though she's not the only person who sees the world in this light, her students who she brainwashed to believe that her world views were to be followed

Alice is a expert at reading people and seeing through their mask to reveal their true intentions, she's also skilled in speaking, any conversation a random person has with her ends with them being impress or confused

She lives in a small apartment in the city where she works at Hearts and Magic a cafe on Plantiam Drive(A town square of sorts)

When she passes, the ones she tricked will become her and fix the world and make it a better place for everyone

Even if innocent blood has to be spilled, it won't stop them from completing the task they were told to do

During childhood, Alice grew up with two loving parents who was wealthy. They lived in a small town in the country in a manor just behind some trees, they would give their daughter anything but she didn't want the toys or the clothing, she wanted to spend time with her parents

She was quite popular at school but even at a young age, she could tell who only wanted to serve themselves the be a friend. Due to this, she had a small group of true friends and a lot of admires who wanted to be her friend

As an only child, she didn't have much to do besides play with the many dolls she had, see if any of her friends wanted to play, or run down the halls of her manor. She was grateful for everything that was given to her and respectful of the servants. She would pick up her own trash, make her bed, clean up her toys, and do her own dishes.

She had a wonderful childhood and was happy, but that happiness would sadly subside the night of her 10th birthday

Her parents(along with some servants) were murdered in a robbery homicide, Alice had witnessed the brutal death and a part of her broke. Her right eyes was poked out by two males around 12, they forced themselves on her and left her to die. The culprits burned the home down with the bodies still inside and their prized possessions missing

Alice was then later found in the burning manor only slightly harmed, but when she was taken out, she had a blank stare on her face and she refused to speak until she was taken to the hospital

The culprits were caught and sentences to 20 years in prison

Alice had to stay with her aunt and uncle(on her father's side)with the rest of her parent's money with her, but they took the money from her and began spending it all on worthless items they didn't even want. She didn't argue with them, after all, they were all she had now in this town

School became harder for her, she was making good grades, but didn't speak to anyone. Her friends tried to help her, but she pushed them away which caused the group to break apart leaving her without friends or kids her age to talk to

As the years passed, she grew a resentment towards the heartless people who ruined her life. She had her parents, she had friends, she was happy. But they ruined everything for her. Around this time, she learned of the horrid truth of the was a cold place full of people who ruined it for people like her, Alice began to resent her uncle and aunt

One night, Alice sneaked into their room with her uncle's shotgun, she stared at them with a blank stare and shot them

That moment, she realized that she was just as bad as those people

She ran out the house and started to curse herself, she began to resent herself. For days, she wondered town with no real reason to continue going since she was what she hated

But then, it struck her

If good people were to help bad people, then them self is bad

Her uncle and aunt were giving money to people who probably did bad things with the money

She stopped hating herself, and started to have a bit of fun with that philosophy

Alice murdered the culprits, the police who tried to stop her, and bystanders

That night, she left that town to never return

She entered a city where she got an apartment and started working at a cafe to make money

She also started to build her new purpose, opening the eyes of those who were blinded by twine

Alice began kidnapping and brainwashing the weak to believe every work she speaks so that they could see through her eyes

Despite running a cult and working, she found time to build a relationship with a male who was almost like her but not enough for her to hate him

He made her feel something she felt before..but can't describe what it is