Content Warning

Mature Content Warning

This page has been marked as containing mature content. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are 18 years old or over.

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Howdy! Just a few things before you go further:
Xedite / 28 / they/he/she / GZUJ6xu.pngLjclGoW.pnguXX1zqD.png

Note: I am physically disabled and suffer from anxiety issues, chronic migraines that cause me moderate visual and neurological issues, chronic pain & chronic fatigue. It may take me some time to respond to messages as a result. Please be patient with me.

My finished bio layouts *should* be theme friendly, but I can only tolerate dark site themes. If anything looks off on lighter themes, feel free to let me know and I'll fix them!

Mobile users: My character profiles are best viewed on a desktop or tablet screen size for readability but should work perfectly fine on mobile in desktop mode as well. I am currently in a very slow process of finishing them all and making them as mobile friendly as possible however.

I may post animated gifs on my profiles, but I never will post flashing or strobing imagery. I try to also keep my profiles largely css free as I usually browse TH with it disabled for readability reasons.

Feel free to comment or fave any characters of mine. I don't always have a chance or energy to reply to every one I get, but I do read them all!

I am also usually open for RP, ships, and character interactions of most kinds. I also generally love talking about my characters and their worlds, feel free to ask if you're ever curious!

You may also draw gift/fanart of my characters and ask for links/character art interactions/headcanons! I'd love the chance for more of my characters to make friends/enemies :D

Please do not
  • please do not offer on any of my characters not listed as for sale/trade. i do not often part with my characters, but you can find my general sale account here for all characters i am actively selling/trading. i may occasionally post adopts of my own design on this account as well!
  • do not use/faceclaim my characters/lore/art/commissions/outfits/etc for any reason without explicit permission from me.
  • do not sexualize my characters unprompted, it makes me highly uncomfortable coming from complete strangers.
  • please do not add any of my characters to dreamie lists, it makes me uncomfortable and I don't like my forever homed characters treated as someone else's trade wishlist. i will not harass you for doing so if you still wish, but note i may request that you remove them if i notice it or i am prodded to sell/trade off any of my characters to you.
  • do not discuss politics, online discourse, or otherwise debate with me. please leave it at the door. i try to keep my profile as apolitical as possible for my own personal sanity. i ask you to please be mindful of this.
  • do not interact with my characters or content if you make being actively homophobic, racist, or generally discriminatory towards others a core aspect of your own identity, personality, or online content. we can agree to disagree, but i want minimal interaction with people who actively condemn or mock my existence in casual conversation.
  • please do not self-ship with my characters or otherwise kin them. i find these both pretty invasive and disturbing as many of them have a lot of them have deep personal meaning to me and a lot of my own personality and experiences baked in. i'm happy if you relate, just don't claim to be or try to actually date them.
  • do not assume my characters are unused or harass me for lacking any info on profiles. it's mostly laziness and lack of time/energy on my end.
    i frequently use them off site and don't always remember to update things over here. much of my character information is also stored in headspace as i have a difficult time writing things down formally
  • do not use typing quirks with me. i often use screenreaders due to cognitive and visual impairments and will ignore your messages if i cannot understand you. likewise, i have similar difficulty understanding tone tags/tone indicators, please keep them to a minimum if possible if interacting with me, as they tend to confuse me and may make me genuinely uncomfortable interacting with you if used to excess. i do not use them very often myself outside of denoting jokes/sarcasm and will instead use emoticons/emoji/kaomojis. if this makes you uncomfortable, please let me know and i'll try my best!
  • do not ask me why you've been blocked. i block very liberally and strictly for my own personal comfort. i tend to block users most often with flashing imagery on profiles, forum threads, or icons due to my visual disabilities and photosensitivity issues or just people who tend to get on my nerves, even if we've never interacted, sorry. it's more me than you.
General Content Warnings



Mental Illness


Alcohol Use


Toxic Relationships


Parasite Themes

Body Horror

Eye Imagery

Horror Imagery





Military/War Themes

Occult Themes

Religious Themes

Cult Themes


Depictions of Guns

Fictional Discrimination

Medical Horror

Angels & Demons

Disturbing Imagery

Drug Use

Fire Imagery


Glitchy Imagery


Religious Trauma

Self Harm

Sexual Content



Criminal Activity

Cop Characters

Implied Child Abuse

Dark Humor

Weapon Use

Depictions of Injuries/Heavy Scars

Fictional Mentions of Slavery

Fictional Mentions of Genocide

Fictional Mentions of Torture

Mentions of Cannibalism

Toxic Behavior

LGBT+ Themes/Topics

Be advised, these are general setting/theme warnings for all of my characters. More specific character warnings will be provided per character via on site warnings and profile coding. I do make use of the term 'dead dove' for particularly upsetting/sensitive content and such characters will always be restricted where needed. I do not and will not censor triggering words out of courtesy of those using blacklist filtering applications and my own personal comfort. Please browse responsibly.

Click for more detailed information
Do not harass me about any of my characters or content on their pages. My page is not mature restricted by default, but many of my characters are. I regularly deal in dark, heavy, nsfw, and generally adult themes as I am an adult and write generally at an 18+ level or 16+ level at bare minimum.
While I warn for non-sexualized female nudity as a precaution, my overly graphic or any other characters with overt sexual themes or general sexualized nudity are mature locked. I do not warn for male frontal nudity unless explicitly sexualized. I also do not generally interact with minors regarding my character or written content as a whole, but may rarely in the case of art games. All of my publicly viewable art and non-mature restricted characters should be free of explicit content regardless.

No, you may not view or interact with my mature locked characters if you are under 18. Yes, I do check profile ages when interacting with anyone, period.

While I don't generally write out the most extreme of my character details or story elements publicly, if at all, much can be implied by way of setting and universe and thus all characters are generally tagged and flagged accordingly per page as much as I can feasibly do so. I will always attempt to use individual content warnings via the on site features and via code on a character's page for those that have disabled this feature. If you see something I've missed, please let me know!

Please be aware unfinished character profiles may be lacking in full content warnings!

I do occasionally draw nsfw art, gore art, and general horror themed art. All nsfw content is under auth only (close friends only) due to personal reasons and past harassment from individuals on site who were evading site age restrictions to view content they should not have access to, so now I have trust issues and refuse to publicly display any nsfw content on this site. Please do not ask me to authorize you, things that are uploaded, are done so for the purposes of my character art storage only. All gore and horror art however is publicly visible and should be properly tagged and warned for. I DO tag blood as gore, but use custom warning descriptions frequently.

I have many vent characters on my page. I tend to project onto my characters and my own personal experiences or personal struggles can often find their way into my writing, intentional or otherwise. This is your general warning that I have heavy themes on trauma and mental illness on a large portion of my characters. This may not always be warned as I am very forgetful. I try my best to tag anything I deem sensitive enough to, but I make no promises on getting everything.

Many of my characters have themes that touch upon religion, mythology, and the supernatural. If you are sensitive to these, this is your fair warning that pretty much none of my fantasy characters will be safe for you to browse.

I do occasionally write about fictional themes of war/conflict from the musing perspective as someone who has actually served in a military for a period of conflict. If you insult my personal experiences or accuse my characters or lore of being war fetishization, I will block you. I am not pro-war and wish to keep myself and my ocs out of any political discussions regarding the topic, thank you. Please avoid my Light of Havelstone and Ataxia folders/characters if you are sensitive to these or general political themes. My page will remain apolitical for my own comfort, but many themes of these two verses involve a varying level of political/social commentary.

I swear a lot habitually. You may very likely also find this on my character pages or art. It's generally not warned for. This is your general warning now.

I do not endorse any individual character beliefs as my own, support, or generally condone any of their actions when applied to real life contexts. I just like writing a lot of morally grey characters and generally a lot of villainous types to explore more twisted psychologies in my personal writing out of pure morbid curiosity and a general fascination with human behavior and character/literacy analysis. If you are sensitive to these, this is your cue to click off now. You are entirely responsible for your own online wellbeing.

By subscribing to me or interacting with my profile or character content, you agree that you have seen this warning.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Descriptions of murder/execution/gore, occult themes (character is a succubus), sexual content. Generally dark character.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

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