
Her burning eyes scan the forest, just daring someone to act out of line and try to hurt her. She used to be hunted - after all, not only did she resemble a deer, but a very mythical one. Now, of course, Nyx has become the hunter. She stalks through the forest on near silent paws, sneaking up and taking revenge on those that have chased her and shot at her. So far, her success rate is very high. 

When she's not vowing revenge and hunting, Nyx can be found napping near a stream or a sunny spot. She loves nothing more than the warmth of the sun on her back, or the coolness of the breeze running through her fur. She may not be the warmest, welcoming orbit in the forest, but she still manages to attract lots of smaller animals who nest and settle in her long fur to nap along with her. Nyx is never bothered by them.

Nyx's newest threat is in the form of another Orbit, seemingly just as strong as she is. Teeth sharp and wits quick, she is ready to tear this new wintery enemy to shreds if he dares step into her territory. She has something even worse than what she does to her hunters planned for them...