


2 years, 10 months ago


note: this page is heavily in development, and goes over incest, s/a, parental abuse, homophobia, and self-harm.

discretion is advised.

things to add:
vanilla is an assassin
being 'the quiet kid,' hence his social aptitude and extroverted personality today (internalized introvert = bad.)
Around the age of 18 he realized that ranked / turf wouldn't pay his rent (even if he was one of the top X players,) so he looked into murder / assassination.
Over the past 6 years he's furthered his skills and has a significant tie to the caniballism industry, supplying them with calamari after every kill. Not only this, he is also a murder for hire (and for fun,) so not only does he have a 'monthly quota' of calamari to get in, but he also has side jobs.
vanilla's dream as a kid
citrus + soft serve info
previous relationships (keon, mono, chrome, erm.. maybe more idk)

vanilla is a second generation octoling- rather, he was born on the surface- who grew up in Inkopolis. growing up under the hand of a corrupt businessman as a father, he never quite learned morals. his mother, on the other hand, was an unfaithful temptress, who aided in running their business.

vanilla was extremely wealthy, however never spoiled with his wealth. sure, he got what he wanted- clothes, notebooks, consoles, etc., but they never treated him the way parents would treat their son. vanilla is the middle child, between his sister- Aria, and his younger brother, Love. from the moment he was born, he was facing the harsh reality of his home life- having all of the money in the world is amazing, but having none of the familial love that others have is hard.

his parents mistreated him from the moment he was born, and from the moment that he can remember. whatever love they had for him- if any- was never shown. they treated him like a slave and a heir, attempting to transform him into the perfect businessman. unlike his sister, vanilla didn't bow.

growing up, vanilla began to realize he was different. not only was he an octoling, but something else was different too. he liked girls, like all other boys, but he liked boys too. he crushed on an inkling boy in third grade, and kissed him. he was taken to the office, and his parents were called; kids weren't supposed to be kissing in third grade, let alone gay.
his parents held themselves together, but EXPLODED once he got home. he was in massive trouble, and didn't even know why. they told him that being gay wasn't ok, that he couldn't be gay as an office-worker let alone as the CEO of their company. this shattered him. he didn't understand, and he didn't understand why he had to be a CEO. he didn't want to be a CEO, he wanted to be a __.

from this moment onwards, his parents had lost respect for him, too. they would go on to become even more heartless and abusive than before, locking him in his room, starving him, and forgetting to let him out. he had more absences than any other kid in the school, and if not for their reputation, CPS would have been called long, long ago.
they had the same grip on the other two kids, Aria and Love. Love was too young at this point, but Aria was older. she was a high-schooler while Vanilla was in middle school- to be precise, she was 4 years older than him. Aria was doing everything she could to get by- she was more focused on her own survival than Vanilla's. in fact, if it meant she would get out of their house unscathed- and actually loved- she would do anything.
it started small, with Aria being told to shun Vanilla. Vanilla lost all support from her, and she became his worst enemy- not only did she bully and shun him, she lived with him too. she became the catalyst of his abuse, being a puppet for their parents. they caused it, but she acted on it. from verbal abuse, to incest that his parents commanded from her- "to convert him" to being straight.
on the other hand, Love is 8 years younger than Vanilla, and completely innocent in this. he was just a toddler when Aria started to abuse Vanilla, and didn't understand nor know of anything going on. Vanilla treasures his brother, as he was his only support in the household.

Vanilla's school-life wasn't much better than his home-life either. he was a normal kid in elementary school- aside from his constant bruises- but in middle-school everything flipped. he fell off of the social ladder, and withdrew into himself. he would spend class periods doodling and playing on his phone, immune to any teacher's punishment- his parents were billionares. he did whatever he wanted, which mostly consisted of ignoring other students and ignoring assignments. he may have been entitled and uncontrolled, but he was never a nuisance to his teachers.
his classmates, on the other hand, loved to pick fun at him. he was the quiet kid in middle school, and eventually became the weird-quiet-kid in his two years of high school. he never talked to anyone, unless he had to. he was always covered in scars, burn marks, and bruises- notably the two scars on his right eye. he was mocked for being different, and mocked for self-harming. his peers thought he was weird, and on occasion were genuinely scared of him.

at age 16, his parents finally had enough of him and kicked him out. they swore at him, threw things at him, and hit him. he pushed his mother away during one of her attacks, and she got badly injured- hitting her head on the side of a countertop. this instantly triggered his father, who screamed at him to get out, calling him slurs.
he ran into his room, grabbing his phone, his e-liter, and all of his money. after a minute, he turned around to leave, and saw his 8 year old brother standing in the doorway.
love looked scared, and oh so small standing alone in his doorway. vanilla met eyes with his brother, and knew he had to take him too.
vanilla grabbed love, and ran away from home. he had to keep the only person he truly cared about safe.

after running away from home, vanilla found an abandoned vehicle and began to live in it. he took his e-liter to battle, and began to make money in anarchy battles. they were his only hope for supporting Love, and he had to make an income.
after years of practice and anarchy battles being his sole income, he became incredibly skilled. he eventually joined a pro league, and met mint there. mint was an insufferable asshole, and kept saying he was "the best player ever." vanilla instead challenged him to a 1v1, and kicked his ass; literally spawncamping him. mint was good! but not as good as vanilla.

this was where mint asked vanilla to form an anarchy team- they were in leagues, but they were not in their own teams. vanilla hesitated with this offer, but realized it could help him survive, and help him take care of love. this was the beginning of soft serve, and the beginning of a team which would become a gang.