Kaibette the Genet



2 years, 10 months ago



Name Kaibette Dottson
Age 25
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Height 3'1" (94cm)
Build Petite Hourglass
Species Genet
Status Alive
Occupation Decontamination Technician
Creator kaibette

  • She has an affinity for rhythm and dancing games
  • Her scent glands make it so those with a keen nose can smell her arousal
  • She cries during emotional parts of romcoms
  • Has 4a/4b hair and normally straightens her bangs.

While not completely developed, Kaibette has the ability to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum. It has the tendency to manifest itself in unintentional ways when she gets emotional. This produces an array of practical applications, but she only knows how to wield the visual spectrum. So far, this includes camouflaging people, objects, and surfaces as well as creating illusions. If given the proximity for precision accuracy, she can also blind people temporarily or permenantly.


  • To most, Kaibette is cold and shrewd, if a little snippy. If you cross her, her bark will be far worse than her bite. She has no issue disrespecting anyone (with a self-deprecating flair) when she’s online, but she’s quite the coward in person. This is a front she puts up to intimidate people and push them away.
  • However, despite how bitterly she comes off, she has a good heart and a strong moral compass that keeps her from being a total asshole. Though she might say really mean and vile things, her actions speak louder than her words.
  • If you’re lucky to meet Kaibette when she’s not in her shell, you may know her as Kii. Since her reputation as someone independent, "strong," and commanding is important to her, Kai tucks her more embarrassing and "weaker" feminine side away under the nickname Kii.
  • She works hard to keep them separate (especially online). Kii is sweet, soft, shy, and maybe even a little ditzy/bubbly. She’s a bit of a doormat with a generous streak, but will stay quiet/vague about her personal life.

  • Romance movies/novels
  • Teasing others
  • Baking sweet treats
  • Afternoon naps
  • Beaches, gardens, forest meadows
  • Dancing, rollerskating, yoga
  • Fairytales
  • The circus

  • Bugs
  • Spiderwebs
  • Death
  • Zombies
  • Drowning
  • Heights
  • Needles
  • Pickles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.

Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna. Aenean est ligula, sodales dictum enim at, luctus mattis odio. Duis consectetur, diam vitae elementum maximus, purus lorem consequat sem, et varius ipsum leo in nunc. Nulla leo elit, sagittis vel dolor eu, fermentum volutpat tortor. Donec a nisl nisi.

Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui. Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta. Nulla finibus molestie elit, et interdum ligula. Vivamus commodo, tortor elementum pharetra viverra, quam magna hendrerit risus, et viverra mi ligula sit amet urna.


Clutch the Opossum Significant Other

After catching her red-handed, Clutch progressed from boss to crush to boyfriend. Easily her most trusted friend and only lover.

Rough & Tumble Sibling-like Friends

At first they were a major irritant for the genet, but they've grown on her in their own way. They frequently goof off and get her to open up. Kai will never admit it, but she cares about them very much.

Rouge the Bat Friendly Rival

Younger than her, more accomplished; it's easy to see why Kaibette is a little bitter about Rouge. She manages to keep it canned most of the time so she makes for some good competition.

Jezebel Whitlock Best Friend

Having met through Clutch, they had an acquaintanceship that slowly developed into friendship over time and shared experiences.