


2 years, 10 months ago


Fandom: TMNT 2012

Name: Aries

Pronouns: they/them

Sexuality | Gender: Aroace | Nonbinary

Age: Specific age unknown, but was an adult arctic fox at the time of their capture

Height: 5'11"

Species: Arctic Fox

Weapon of Choice: N/A (their robot arm has an array of uses, but Aries does not have a specific weapon of choice)

Relations: Gallia (friend), Ren (friend)

Affiliations: Hamato Clan (allies)

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Originally living as a normal arctic fox in Canada with their pack, Aries was eventually captured by the Kraang and taken to Dimension X to be experimented on as they attempted to perfect the mutagen for use on Earth. These experiments were brutal on Aries, as one would rob them of an eye and much of their ear early on, almost as a sign of what was to come in the future.

After many experiments, some simple and some brutal, one of them eventually went horribly wrong as a failure in one of the mutagen experiments resulted in Aries losing their arm in a botched amputation. During this failed experiment, Aries knew it was now or never for them to escape as they fought their way out of Dimension X, desperately trying to stay alive as they suffered from severe wounds. 

After jumping through multiple dimensions, they eventually found their way to New York City back on Earth. Still dealing with an amputated arm and great amounts of blood loss, Aries would have surely died had it not been for Ren finding them right outside of TCRI while the mutant dog was scavenging for the night. He took Aries back to his workshop and saved them from certain death, stitching up their wounds and watching vigilantly over Aries all night. The two would become close friends as Ren helped Aries through the recovery process, and Ren would even be the one to construct an robotic arm for Aries (ironically, out of old Kraang-droid parts).

After a few months, the two would eventually find Gallia in the alleyways one night, after she attempted to take scraps that the two had already planned on collecting. Not wanting to start a fight, though, the three began talking about their circumstances, and they all realized they could greatly benefit from teaming up with each other. They invite Gallia back to Ren's workshop, and the three eventually become a tight-knit trio, battling the Kraang and exploring all the city has to offer. 

The three would encounter the Turtles fighting the Kraang one night, and after discovering they share a common enemy, the three would provide as much aid as they could whenever called on.