


3 years, 1 month ago



Volcano-dwelling mammals



10-11 years

Average Height

6-7 inches at shoulder

Average Weight

25 lbs


Geothermal energy

Location Found

Volcanic/high heat areas


IgnisMuse are drawn to volcanic activity because they survive on geothermal energy. They don't wander far from these sources.


IgnisMuse are greedy goblin-like creatures that hoard metal and live in high heat enviornments.

Group Organization

IgnisMuse live in swarms and large groups, often bickering among each other as they try and gather personal hoards among their larger hoard. Their most notable trait is that they are known as blacksmiths, with heat-resistant paws that allow them to melt and shape metal with their bare paws to create the metal pieces that they wear. 

Hunting & Diet

IgnisMuse subsist on geothermal energy and heat


IgnisMuse reproduce in the standard mammalian way, having 1-2 offspring per batch

Life Cycle

IgnisMuse start as naked pups, eventually picking up and adding metal to their bodies that accenuate them and give them their own identities. Once they pass, their metal plates are melted and reshaped by the others of their kind to be reused. 


IgnisMuse are very sturdy when in their natural enviornment, but not very adaptable and suffer if taken away from their natural home. 


They communicate in squeaks and squawks, they dont speak to humans.


IgnisMuse are volcanic mammal-like creatures that survive on heat. They're known as small blacksmiths because they constantly melt and reshape metal that they find into plates that they wear on their bodies to distinguish themselves. They are a subspecies/descendant of imps- meaning they're quite the little troublemakers, but luckily the fact that they're drawn so deeply to heat and fire means they don't tend to wander far from their homes and territory.

They are greedy scavengers who will run away with whatever their sticky little paws can get a hold of, and are often seen as pests to locals they exist around. They are very attached to their own kind, living in massive swarms and hives that can be potentially dangerous if angered. They don't really associate with humans and don't care for other species in general. Since they live in such harsh enviornments they don't often have direct interaction with other species unless they wander there (And usually they end up regretting it).

They appear to be similar to mammals, but their fur is actually produced of heavily concentrated iron filiments- creating similar to a metal shell (Though it is still somewhat soft to the touch, if scratchy at the right length). They are very resistant to metal and heat and thrive in high-temperature enviornments. Their metal filament fur grows directly into the metal plates they wear, essentially weaving them to their bodies. 

While this means they can touch lava for limited amounts of time (enough to forge their metal plates); it still wouldn't be a good idea for them to go swimming in it or anything. 

Being somewhat supernatural entities that evolved from a species of demon, they have a limited magical power generally constituted around fire, which also contributes to their unusual resistance. Though despite being demonic in origin, they aren't inherently evil and don't seek to do 'evil' things, as they are more neutral and simply selfish to their own kind. 


IgnisMuse are natural evolutions of volcanic magic that formed into living creatures. They are direct descendants from demonic imps that became more neutral common pests.