Dolly 💫



2 years, 10 months ago


* female (she/her)
* has mentally aged over her life (from 5-7 when i was a baby to currently in her 20s)
* simply soft collection large rag doll (keel toys)

* literally the first plush i ever owned and my first comfort item
* loves to let the little ones play w her yarn hair
* could spend hours recounting stories of her life and of the young seer to anyone who will listen
* absolutely a shoulder to cry on for anyone who needs it. will provide all the comfort you could possibly need. literally the epitome of a mom friend
* probably has a garden somewhere on the island that she tends to; will also tend to any flowers that pop up around the island and make sure they're healthy

* my parents Could Not Find a second version of her; they tried for YEARS and got nowhere
      * and then i was able to find more of her kin with lots of 1:00 am google / ebay search hypfixes <3
* has a sister named rose!! if i develop her a bit more i'll upload her here