Merrymaker (Merri) Amore



2 years, 8 months ago


✦ Basics
Name Merri Amore
Pronouns She/They
Age 19
Horns Uncommon
Potion bottle Common
Main ingredient Confetti
Coven Sacrimentum
✦ About

"We should hang out some time!" Merri's a fun-loving Kalli who spends her time living out the nightlife of the city. They can be seen clubbing, dancing, drinking, and even mixing and DJing her own music at their favourite social events. To wind down, she spends her time rollerskating in the quiet hours of the early morning.

Merri interacts with humans and Kalli alike, and earns her soul essence by selling potions to increase confidence and energy levels at social gatherings. She believes that everyone should have a little fun, and if they need a little help to get there? So be it! Their magic allows them to emit an aura of trust, because everyone deserves a friend, even if they don't want one. Or at least, that's what they used to think

✦ Appearance

Merri's aim is to be the center of attention. Sporting split pink and purple hair, they are rarely seen without face stickers, flashy outfits, or pastel rollerskates. If the outfit doesn't make you want to shield your eyes, they haven't done it right.

✦ Likes
Loud music
Big crowds
Meeting new people
The little umbrellas in cocktails
✦ Dislikes
Waking up early
People who yell at waitresses
✦ Details
✦ Backstory

The early days weren't the greatest. A strict witch in desperate search of the immortality serum brews a charismatic Kalli to lure in unsuspecting minds in exchange for information and soul essence. Merri is sent out with exact orders; she is told where to go, when to come back, and exactly how to talk to others.She is given the name Hecate, and travels the world on false ideas of friendship. As a child, they con adults by pretending to be lost, or crying for help. As they get older, the manipulation comes in the form of insincere kindness, and even less trustworthy romance. They can't help but feel bad.

Things go wrong for Merri on a mission to gain information from a famous event organiser; a witch who knows just about everyone, and just about everything. She sees right through Merri's false charisma. "Tell me," the witch says, "Are you truly happy where you are?" When Merri can't think of an answer, she is immediately taken under the new witch's wing. They never go back to their original creator... who still seeks the answers to immortality, and has just lost their strongest Kalli.

Merri now spends her days under a chosen name, learning how to use her natural charisma in friendly, unhurtful ways. They haven't used their magic in years, and hopes they never will have to, ever again.

✦ Relationships
Aeryn An intriguing face at the club, who Merri can't help but to want to know more.
✦ Trivia
● Started mixing their own music after hearing the godawful trash they played at ther usual club
● Has never fallen down in front of someone when on her skates, and would rather die than have someone see that.
● Has a mark on their criminal record for beating a car with a baseball bat after someone cheated on her friend.
● Famous on whatever the Kalli version of TikTok is.

profile html by Hukiolukio