Lil' Dork



2 years, 10 months ago




Age36 (May 28)
Gender Male
Race Mutt dog


     Main characteristics: Anger issues, has a tendency to chew on stuff when stressed out, self-taught mechanic, fascinated by little broken mechanical trinkets, rebellious against authority. Proud and responsible (towards the kids, not so much his rides, hah), protective instincts;

     Lil'Dork was once a junkyard stray, who led a very troublesome life. One day, he found purpose in fixing machines due to his enjoyment tinkering with old broken watches and pieces of those sorts... He then move to bigger and bigger personal projects, ending up with cars. He is exceptional at fixing and modifying machines, often creating unique and powerful custom rides. This skill ended up being what kept him afloat, even if some of these rides were built for illegal races and other things - but he couldn't care less, he needed to survive, survive,survive.
     He taught himself everything, learning from scraps and old manuals he found in dumpsters. His street-smart makes him resourceful, knows how to find parts and tools in unlikely places. He is skilled in combat, using improvised weapons and brute strength, despite his skinny body.
     His anger issues often get him into trouble or lead to rather rash decisions, has an added difficulty trusting others, as he is still haunted by his past, leading to the occasional emotional outbursts.
     Despite this, he has a soft spot for the younger generation and wishes to guide them into better paths than his own so they don't end up like he did. He still wants them to look up to him, he sees himself as a survivor and a strong person, he wants to pass on the skills that got him through life, such as resourcefulness and relying on oneself. Demonstrating his integrity and resilience in his actions, showing that despite his rough exterior, he stands up for what's right. Leads by example in dealing with challenges. His garage would eventually become a safe place for these other stray kids, having a place to hang out, learn and feel supported, encouraging a sense of belonging and camaraderie among the youngsters.

     Lil'Dork doesn't easily trust others and has preferred to spend most of his time by his lonesome when out and about the junkyard, however, a girl named Stella, a biker, challenged him a lot. His interactions with Stella are pretty complex. At first, he would be visibly irritated by Stella's attempts to engage with him, to which he often was quite resistant to it, making snarky comments. With enough time, pushing his dismissiveness and commenting on his mechanic creations, the mutt began to tolerate her around, allowing her to hang around while he works, still maintaining a gruff exterior. How will their friendship develop?