


2 years, 10 months ago


Gender: Male

Species: Robot Master

Age: 1

Shipped with: ValorGirl (future spouse)

Bio: PhantomBoy is the second child of OracleMan and WispWoman and the little brother of HexGirl. He is playful, energetic and a bit lazy at times. He doesn’t like being bossed around by his sister, but would rather enjoy playing with toys. He is very sociable and approachable. He has a fond affection for his friends like Lucius, Ardu, Travis, and Dimitri. He also likes Hex’s friends, BoltBoy, InstinctBoy, and RippleGirl. He plays with them and enjoys playing with them, like his toys. He falls in love with a girl named ValorGirl. However it does not start off well as she has a somewhat negative view on boys, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to be charming for her. She eventually falls for him and they have twin boys; SpookBoy and IgniteBoy.

Powers/abilities: Much like his mother, he has paranormal based superpowers like turning invisible, turning intangible, and possessing them.

Likes: Candy, toys

Dislikes: Doing too many chores, Hex being bossy with him

Good point: Happy go lucky 

Bad point: Complains about Hex sometimes