Specular Illusions



3 years, 1 month ago


Have you ever looked into the eyes of your reflection for too long and gotten a strange feeling, like something wasn’t quite right? That’s because the Illusion living in your mirror couldn’t hold their form much longer. These mischievous little creatures like to mimic what they see, but there’s a limit to how long they can hold onto an image.

Specular Illusions (sometimes called Specillu, or just Illusions, for short) live in mirrors. They can shift to look like whoever is looking in, but they can’t hold it long, and meeting their eyes will give someone a glimpse into their soul and cause their face to change from the onlookers’ to the Specillu's true selves. However, doing so opens the person up to the chance that the creature will peer into their soul, too.

They don’t like to live in the mirror space, so the more malicious or desperate ones will take a soul’s place when given that opportunity, inhabiting someone’s body and kicking their victim out to take their place in the mirror. Taking over a body at a young age can be a confusing experience after a while and some specular illusions may come to believe that they are the original inhabitors of their host, but will experience frequent discomfort/irritation with being trapped by the age, gender, or capabilities of their host, if it does not match their own.

Some of these Illusions have been known to whisper things to whoever owns their mirror, causing mischief or helping people out depending on the individual Illusion's morals and what they believe the person deserves. They have made deals in the past to spy through other mirrors and report back to the owner of the mirror as well.

Breaking a mirror that one of these Specular Illusions dwells in will result in a strong grudge that humans tend to perceive as bad luck. They latch onto the nearest reflective surface and hound after the person, tormenting them until either a new mirror is brought into the home for them to move into, they catch the owner’s gaze long enough to take over the body, or they lose strength and fade away (usually seven years).

Trait Sheets:



Humanoid, with furred, faun-like legs that end in points. There are no hooves, just fur all the way down. They have sharp canines and pointed ears. Skin and fur can be any color/pattern, and they can have any hairstyle.


They can't live in just any mirror. Older ones work best, and specific materials have much higher occurrences than others.

Since many of these are old, there can be any number of defects that can be added, like warping, corroding, cracks, etc. You don't need any special rarities to add those.


The mirror types have rarity, but they can be decorated however you want (which is important because that determines the shape of their horns).


Tails are made from paper scrolls and attached with thread. They have beads, tassels, and charms that are completely customizable.

There is a lot of freedom with tails to do whatever makes your heart happy. As long as it stays paper and includes the beads, tassel, and charms, you can go wild with it.


Add-ons to the scroll are not seen often, but it does happen. 


The decorations/scrollwork on the mirror frame determines what the horns will look like. 

The material of the frame (metal, wood, crystal, etc) also determines horn material.

Each month has a set of optional extra traits that are only available for that time of year, or with a special ticket.


- A shiny bauble mirror

- A scroll that has been folded and cut to resemble a snowflake

-  A frozen surface that forms an ice mirror.


- A mirror inside a locket

- A scroll that's shaped like a heart (can be customized with lace, glitter, stickers, glue, whatever you want)

- A scroll folded into an envelope with something meaningful written inside and sealed with wax or a sticker.


- A lucky four leaf clover for a scroll

- Legally distinct lucky marshmallows to use as charms

- A rainbow scroll


- A decorative faberge egg with reflective insides

- sprout/flower horns

- Animal ears


- Pride month is all about expressing yourself! Use the traits from any month as you see fit.


- A piece of beach glass for a mirror

- A kite scroll

- A wind bell scroll


- One eye is replaced with a gem from the mirror frame

- One or more limbs are replaced with a piece of the mirror frame

- Multiple scroll tails


- fall leaves as scrolls

- candles for horns

- bare branch horns

Any feedback/suggestions would be really appreciated, and if I use something you suggest, you will be rewarded with an unlimited MYO ticket with access to all traits, including all monthly limited traits. If I use multiple of your suggestions, you can receive multiple tickets.