Shiba Mimiyama



6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Fruits basket another


Shiba Mimiyama


Mimmie, Shishi-chan








Highschool student


"What you mean gross? Rats and mice are adorable!"


Height: 163cm, 5'3

Weight: 51kg

Built: A-bust, not much curves to be seen



Skin: golden glow

Piercings/tattoos: none

Clothing: Cute and comfy, pastel colors and game related themes and accessories.


Shiba is really chatty, she would strike up a conversation with everyone approaching her or she would get a chance to talk to, she specially gets exited when the talk is about games, but no matter of the subject, she seems to never run out of things to talk about, she is fine with silence too, but prefers to break the ice as soon as possible.

 She enjoys spending time at home and playing games, but wouldn't turn down an offer to hang out, she is really interested in foods and cooking, and loves to make food for her friends when they come over, or take part in hot pot evenings and others and happily help with everything, she is a great cook, since she has learned a lot from her mother. 

She does fine in school, but isn't really the smartest one, specially on math, and would ask for study evenings and gladly accept offerings of getting tutored, she is part of the cooking club. She is not athletic, and never does too well at sports, then again, she doesn't really even have an interest in it and rather uses her energy on pretty much everything else. 

She is usually really easygoing and chill, but when someone manages to get her angry, she is really fighting for it, she gets stubborn and furious, biggest reason for her to get angry would usually involve others tho, since she doesn't really take insults to herself, she doesn't really mind, but she won't stand to look someone else get pushed around.





- It takes her often a while to clean up.. She lets clothes pile up on her office chair and leaves things laying around, but after staring at it for a while she collects her energy and sorts everything up.

- She sleeps peacefully and usually with a plushed toy, talks in her sleep sometimes and has sleepwalked few times tho, but it's pretty rare.

- often borrows her gaming consoles to her friends who don't have the one, since she usually has at least two kinds of the same console, loves to put two player games in them and play with friends.

- Giggles at her own thoughts sometimes.

- Often stays up too late and falls a sleep in the class.


+ Games, mostly old retro games tho, she hasn't plaid most of the newer ones, but has a huge collection of old ones and knows all the tricks in her favorite ones.

+ Shopping, for herself and for others, she loves to help her friends to find cute outfits.

+ Animals, specially her little mouse, she usually lets him run around on her bed when she is studying.

+ Cooking, she pretty much takes lessons from her mom and has been thinking if she should become a cook like her as well.

+ Cute accesories, specially pixel styled.

+ Archives and karaoke.

- Clubbing, despite loving to hang out with people and going out, she hates everything related to alcohol, most likely influenced by her dad.

- High heels, she is sad about it tho, since they have such a cute ones, but she simply cannot walk with them.

- Math, she is terrible at it, and feels extremely stupid everytime someone is tutoring her and she finally understands what the catch is, and that it's often something really simple.

- Bees, she is afraid of them, but wouldn't hurt one ever.

- Fast food.









Shiba moved to a completely new city with her mother after having major problems in their hometown, her mother finally broke up with her terrible drunk of a father, which lead to many legal problems, after the father got furious for loosing his right to visit his daughter, he broke in to their new home to break things and rob things, luckily the ladies weren't at home, but after seeing the destruction but not enough evidence to get the father convicted, they chose to leave as far as they could away from him.

Shiba was a bit upset about having to leave her friends behind and not being able to tell where she went, but decided to stay strong for her mom, and take the new city and school with open arms and making friends as soon as possible to feel at home, so, from the first day onward, she did her best to get to know everyone.





HimekoMother. Shiba absolutely adores her mom, they are basically best friends and can talk to each other about everything!

Father: A bad guy.. Shiba never exatly liked him, she knows he is her dad and all, but would rather not see him.


Mutsuki Sohma: the first person she actually got to know at her new school, since he was the school council vice president and she was transferring to his class, he was assigned to give her a tour at the school day before she would start to attend classes, and she would chatter away the whole time, so they became friends pretty fast. Shiba things he is really funny and would text stupid things with him.

Mitoma Sawa: Shiba thinks she is adorable, but since she is so dense and Shiba doesn't really see her so much, she doesn't know too much, but since she spends a lot of time with Mutsuki and others in the student council, she loves to try and chat with her.

Hajime Sohma: pretty much same as it is with Mitoma, since they don't share classes, she doesn't see him too much, but she knows him as the council president and would chat with him too when they would meet.

Ruriko Kageyama: Sohma fan club leader, she did first harass Shiba a bit since she was chatting so friendly with Mutsuki, but after seeing she just is super friendly with people, she calmed down and didn't feel like making a big deal about it and would sometimes hang out with her and ask her opinions on her silly projects and have to listen to her hype over Sohmas, since she was there to make sure she as a new student must know all about them.

Mio Hasegawa: Other classmate, Shiba loves her attitude and she thinks of her as one of her best friends from her new class.

Muchi Manabe: Mutsukis cousin and Shibas upperclass student, she met her thru him and Shiba loves her a lot and they would often joke around the school halls and where ever she might run into her, they always go for bear hugs and squees when meeting at somewhere unexpected.




- She has a pet mouse she saved from the pet store as they were about to dispose of him.

- Has a funny khe khe khe giggle.

- Tries to set up her mom to dates or help her find new friends by inviting her friends over with their parents, since she is new to the city also..

- They often play games with her mom, and have all and all really chill relationship talking about boys and teasing each other.

- Isn't really a good singer but kicks butt at the songs she really likes.