Harlow DuPont



2 years, 9 months ago


harlow dupont



How far can one fall?

charismatic positive confident

Harlow is a high energy, terribly optimistic CEO, which makes her being Caligulas 'posterchild' very fitting. Not only is she very happy and cheery all the time, she's also very good at her job. DuPont being one of the largest corporations in the city, it manages the architecture and the overall 'appearance' of Caligula, essentially making sure that it contributes to the citizens wellbeing as a whole. She's very accepting of all people no matter what, and supposedly holds no ill will in the debate of under vs overground. She's often spotted out in both places, talking to friends and even catching coffee with paparazzi. Not only does she manage her CEO duties at her company, she also is broadcast a ton in terms of relaying news and making announcements to the people, as she is a very popular and well-liked figure in the public eye, and they are inclined to listen to her.

Steadfast and usually quite set in her ways though, she can be a little hesitant to go out of her already large comfort zone, but that never lasts for long-she kind of loves the thrill! In reality she's really quite lonely, wishing that her immense power didn't make people feel like they couldn't be friends with her. If anything, she strives to become friends and make close bonds with the citizens she communicates with at a daily basis. Who could hate her? I mean, really? Recently, she has been a little more paranoid than usual. Whether this be because she knows something that her fellow CEOs do not or just do to the odd happenings around the city, one isn't to know. She's pretty good at hiding things.

extrovert introvert
realistic intuitive
logical emotional
organized impulsive
내 마음은 떨고• deaths dynamic shroud
code by cati