
2 years, 9 months ago


entertaining offers on this guy just bc im not rly using himmm ahh, looking for art offers and non-cs humanoid characters

"You gonna pay for that, boss?"

Quick Stats

name york
Age 20
Gender trans guy
Pronouns he/him
Race black nuyorican
Orient.  gay (


A wannabe art school kid who singlehandedly manages his dad's bodega, York's a laidback dude who stays in his own lane. He's ambivalent about most things, which makes him pretty easy to talk to; but he's still pretty opinionated in a fair number of things, especially his love of the city, and as a result he's often written off as an asshole.

York's very into experimental photography and contemporary art— and though he's got the skill to pursue it professionally, he likes his life at the bodega too much to do any serious uprooting yet. He's not in any rush.


  • He and Ciao smoke together a lot; his bodega is the one closest to Ciao's apartment, so she's there almost every day getting shitty coffee and stale banana bread. As an expression of gratitude, she always invites him to her situationship with Yukio, which he always declines, but this never spares him from a retelling of their latest sexual escapades.
  • He loves speaking Spanglish.
  • He never IDs people. You could be a full baby and he'd sell you cigarettes.
