Kobus Reinoud



7 years, 1 month ago


Name: Kobus Reinoud

Nickname(s): Kobi, Kobs (said as cobs), Koko

Age: 19

Date of birth: July 8th

Race: Ocelot Kemthro

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"

Sexuality: Demisexual 

Relationship status: Complicated okay

Kobus is as innocent and sweet as they really get, being too innocent and docile for his own good. He's known to almost always be cheery and can trust someone very easily, though not as easily as you might think. He very much knows when people want to hurt him and is quick to avoid these people, at least having some self-preservation. When faced with danger he doesn't always get the seriousness of a situation until is very clear its not just a very aggressive bulling session. He's easy to bully most the time, usually just letting his things be taken or takes the few playful jabs so they leave him alone quickly. With those he has deemed trustworthy he'll follow them to the ends of the world, taking a lot more from them and can very easily be hurt or used by them. 

Even if he seems very dumb with his more innocent ways he's far from it, graduating as the valedictorian of his class at the early age of 15. He can very easily hold his own in fights and is no stranger to the law (mostly because of his friends) but often tries to avoid being more violent as he finds it distasteful and doesn't want to ever grow to become mean. 


Kobus was born between a couple who were already having issues with their relationship, part of them hoping a child would bring them closer together but this was far from the case. With Kobi being so young he doesn't recall any of the fighting, usually being in another room to begin with and was for the most part sheltered from most the fighting. Before the age of one his father left, making his mother a single parents.

He doesn't recall having the worse of childhoods, not spoiled but not neglected to say the least, mother taking time to make sure he was still alright in day to day life and listened to his rambles no mater how long he'd go on for. He was a rather normal and energetic child, slowly falling into more silent ways as he was bullied for his longer hair but as he loved it his mother saw no need to cut it.

Aside from the slew of men his mother dated he saw little faults with her, even with that fault he still deemed her perfect and even to this day wouldn't want any other mother. The men she brought over ranged from very polite guys, seeming to do well with the child when he came out to say hello, to assholes who only wanted some quick gratification and saw him more as a cock block over anything. When he was 10 she seemed to stop trying to find a 'man' to complete her and now focused on just life in general and the growing Kobus. 

School wise, Kobus was almost always ahead of his class. He grasped things very easily and drove himself with more curious ways, usually getting more involved in education because he liked to learn over because he had to. He was bumped up once in elementary and then twice more in highschool, making him able to graduate at the age of 15. He didn't have the most social life, often being mistaken as a girl and was very easy to pick on, but he had a decent amount of friends who exposed him to more social actives he soon learned weren't as appealing but he continued for the sake of friendship.

Once graduating he took up college (having been giving a full scholarship) and also a few part-time jobs, both being a lot of stress on the boy but he was used to far worse with his very 'free spirited' friends. He worked as a waiter and stock room boy while majoring in psychology, often left tired from his long days but always found time to hang out with friends. He lived a rather frugal lifestyle, only spending money on things he needed and often didn't spoil himself with unnecessary wants and desires. 

After 3 years of college, he left with a masters degree in general psychology and a bachelors in culinary arts. His very full workload seeming to finally settle down and his saving everything he could from long work hours also paid off as he had more then enough to outright buy a house he wanted and start a life of his own. He moved away from the more chaotic environment he grew up in and into a more quiet neighborhood, getting a single story house that he found adorable and suited for what he wanted. He settled in quickly, still working his strange hours at work and saved the said money from it. He still struggled to figure out to do with life, but was having a fine enough time with his current arrangement he didn't mind.

One day one of his friends came to him, having committed a very petty crime and was looking for some sort of way to escape the said consequences. Kobi ended up offering to take the blame, making sure his house was all set for the time he'd be spending away and the friend he was covering for agree to house-sit and pet-sit as he was gone. Turning himself in and pleeing guilty he was sentenced to just a year in jail. 

Interesting facts

  • He's a bit of a masochist, with certain people will let them hurt him and sometimes finds it nice
  • Has never dated, save this child
  • Has three pets, all were adopted from shelters
    • Athena: a female great pyrenees. A lovable and protective girl, first to bark at strangers and doesn't always listen to others (but will always listen to Kobus). 27 inches tall (to the shoulder) and weighs 108 lbs.
    • Loki: a male samoyed. He's a playful and very energetic boy, often bothering his two sisters for fun times when he's bored (which is about all the time). 24 inches tall (to the shoulder) and weighs 52 lbs.
    • Cleopatra, often called Cleo: a female main coon. A sassy girl who tries to seem above all the fun times her canine siblings do. Wants to be fed all the time, making her a bit on the chubby side but she burns off all the extra snacks as she plays. Weighs 18 lbs.
  • Ears and tail can give away how he feels about things, they being very visual with emotions. He can 'trick' himself but usually they are telling how he feels
  • He becomes more violent when in pain, specially towards someone who causes him pain
  • Very flexible, able to fold himself into very small spaces
  • Missing his bottom set of ribs, they being removed after a accident shattered them
  • Has a kink for being bitten 
  • He has very high pain tolerance, most the time laughing off injuries unless they are very bad and painful