Basic Info

Full Name:

Jersey Devil Coaster

Responds to:

Jersey Devil, JD, JDC





Age(As Coaster):


Age(As Humanoid):

Young Adult

Human Alias:

Jessie D. Castart



Height(As Humanoid):



Wonder Woman: Flight of Courage(SFMM)(Fraternal Twin Sibling)

Date Of Birth/Opening:

June 13th, 2021

Date Of Death/Closure:


Location In Park:

The Pine Barrens (Adventure Seaport in 2021)


Rocky Mountain Construction

Coaster Track/Structure Type:


Owner Of Coaster Being Personified:

Six Flags, Six Flags Great Adventure, Rocky Mountain Construction, and Alan Schilke


Jersey Devil Coaster is the newest coaster to open at Great Adventure, and it was a welcomed sight in the eyes of the park’s patrons after a turbulent 2020. Jersey Devil himself (JD for short) was also a welcomed sight in the eyes of his Coasterdroid first. Within a few days, JD proved to be a “problem child”. JD didn’t know to respect other people’s boundaries and consider the other person’s P.O.V, which shows in how his intense obsession with RMC immediately put him at odds with El Toro, the park’s only wooden coaster. JD didn’t really befriend anyone who isn’t his siblings (WWGLC, Railblazer, and Stunt Pilot), though he did spend a lot of time with Dark Knight Coaster (who only sees JD as yet another customer). As stated previously, JD is RMC’s self-proclaimed “biggest fan” and knows just about everything about his coaster’s manufacturer. Unfortunately, JD’s love for RMC is to a fault- he couldn’t comprehend why some wooden coasters are just fine the way they are and doesn't like to hear any criticism (no matter how valid it is) or misinformation (no matter how accidental it is) about RMC. However, most of his neighbors were willing to give him a chance to improve on his behaviors (including Ka, who JD has some disdain for because of Ka’s discipline). Besides his love for RMC, JD is a big fan of spicy food and any dish that involves noodles (but his favorite is instant ramen). JD has the power to shapeshift into a few different forms, all of them connected to the mythos of the real Jersey Devil or the lore created for Great Adventure’s interpretation. Besides shapeshifting, JD also has control over fire (both in his ability to breath it and through his bunsen burner-esque tail) and can fly. JD generally tries to be friendly to everyone, but he has a habit of letting arrogance and spite control his interactions when things aren’t going his way. Some of his friendliness expresses itself in flirting, though JD has yet to show interest in getting into a committed relationship. JD does believe that a real Jersey Devil is out there, even if he hasn’t expressed interest in tracking it down. Unfortunately, his obsession with RMC led to JD building a machine that he thought would “help” the wooden coasters of the world; all of his negative attributes were amplified as he continued to work on his plan, making an enemy of every Coasterdroid at Great Adventure (but especially Toro). Not only that, but his devotion to the project ended up causing a whole host of property damage, injuries and even a few fatalities. JD nearly succeeded in driving wooden coasters extinct, but he was stopped before that could happen. Now a social pariah among Coasterdroids, JD is destined to live life as an outcast. A newer coaster with a theme taken from a centuries-old tale, Jersey Devil Coaster is sure to become one of the most notable Coasterdroids in the country...or more accurately, infamous.