


2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Last Updated

November 21st, 2021


~ The Great Hero Of Light ~
BIRTHDAYSeptember 11thSPECIESHuman
Severance, Sev, SeverTHEME
Sayor grew up with his sister in the Empire of Imar which, at the time, was a land of flourish and prosper. Their father Mizer was the emperor's royal advisor, and thus Sayor grew up in the castle. He grew up right alongside the youngest prince, Prince Damion.

The two of them grew up together, and thus Sayor knew of Damion's struggles. As the only child of the king Damion felt all the pressure to do better than his father in every way.

On the night before Damion left on his great journey Sayor met up with him. They looked up at the stars and swore that no mater what they'd make the empire the best it's ever been. Damion swore he'd come back.

The next two years that Damion was gone were cold and boring. Sure, Sayor had his sister and the other children of the palace to hang out with, but none of them ever came close to Damion.

When, at last, Damion returned home disaster struck. The man, what once was filled with the hope to do the right thing was now a being hellbent on destruction. Black smog captivated the palace just as it captivated his friend's mind and the empire fell to ruin. Sayor fought off the darkness the best he could, managing to escape with his sister thanks to Mizar's sacrifice.

A far away village was kind enough to take he and Sayori in, where they took up farming. That was until Sayor started to feel the call of the archdemon Gabriel.

Sayor alone could poses the power of the light and seal away the demon the had polluted Damion's mind. No mater what he will succeed, if not only just to see Damion smile again.

Once Sayor saved Damion he had to hand deliver his former friend to jail. Despite the crimes Damion had committed, Sayor took pity on him and would visit any chance he got. With peace restored to the land Sayor settled into a laid back life of legend.

However, Damion wasn't truly free, nor was he done. One night he broke out of his cell and whisked Sayor away to Imar's former castle. There the man Sayor had once called a friend put him through hell and torture trying to extract Gabriel from him.

Sayori was the one who came to Sayor's rescue, coming just in time to watch her brother fall to the floor, powerless. The power Damion had collected from Sayor and himself exploded when Sayori tried to fight, sending Gabriel and Lucifer back into the world totally detached from the two friends.

Sayor and Damion woke up in forest far away from Imar. Without anyone else to depend on they leaned on each other. Slowly they formed a bond that wouldn't break, not even when Sayori finally tracked them down.

A new villain has arrived with Lucifer's help to terrorize those still standing. It'll take Sayor, Damion, and Sayori it seems, to finally take the demon down once and for all.

Taking down Lucifer will take great sacrifice. They'll have to sacrifice so much, the empire, their happy ending, and the world itself. At the end of everything there will be only Sayor, Damion, and and empty void. Until, even that is reduced to nothingness.

Damion Helspawne (HUSBAND)


Mizar Sazon (FATHER)

Empire Of Imar

EOI: In Search of Broken Crowns

EOI: Cutesy Quest

EOI: Those Still Standing

The Main Character
Will Wood