


2 years, 10 months ago


Collin is a one of the main characters in a story i have. he is Mixed racial/Indian and is from the Fae dimension(where Fairies replace human race). He is a 15 yr old Glow-kind Fae, based on the Damselfly, and studies healing/life magic once he enters the alt dimension. he likes most of the kids, and sometimes Niki, and showing off. He is scared of Niki sometimes tho, mainly because she targets him and ariston. He also picks on ariston sometimes, just because he thinks he can show off to him. He is quite overly confident sometimes, and he gets closer with the kids and familiars throughout the story. Once warmed up to people, his personality changes to a different, softer version that actually shows character. He learns to feel comfort around others, and to make others feel better as well. His familiar is Mazz, who he loves very much

Feel free to draw him with any other characters from this story!

He is friends with most of the other main kids and their familiars; Melody, Memerro, Jacob, Lazumo, Niki, but Niki can be a pain

You can also draw him with his familiar, Mazz!