


2 years, 10 months ago


Sarano is a creature from the elven dimension in one of my stories. They don't have a sex, but they go by he/him. He is a familiar(a creature rather common in this dimension, given to each elf), very powerful and magic shifters. They usually take one form throughout their life, but these ones make exceptions for their child. These familiars are special because they have stepped up to help with a very important journey. They change forms to a creature common in the dimension of the child they choose to partner with. Sarano is Kanc's given familiar, who is an elf. This means he had already been with this child since birth, as Kanc and Sarano both live in this dimension. Sarano took the form of a Tannel, from the elven dimension. He is very good teaching, and is like a fun dad. He is also very fast and strong. His responsible personality makes him a good supervisor, but don't do anything stupid, because he will always be there to see it. He is the one who make the call to the other familiars to gather the other kids needed for the journey. He also knows that Kanc is part of that bloodline, but only tells him when he needs to know. After the journey is over and the kids go home, he and Kanc will still be in their dimension. 

Feel free to draw him with the other kids/familiars!

His friends/people he travels with include all the other kids and their familiars; Ariston, Jacob, Lazumo, Melody, Memerro, Niki,

The child he was assigned to was Kanc.