


2 years, 10 months ago


SunSun is a creature from the elven dimension in one of my stories. They don't have a sex, but they go by she/her. She is a familiar(a creature rather common in this dimension, given to each elf), very powerful and magic shifters. They usually take one form throughout their life, but these ones make exceptions for their child. These familiars are special because they have stepped up to help with a very important journey. They change forms to a creature common in the dimension of the child they choose to partner with. SunSun is Kokoro's given familiar. She is a Caw-Kind(from the Bird People dimension), so she takes form as a Nami (a common species in that dimension). She is very stealthy and likes to spy on others. But, she loves everyone and likes to spoil all of the kids. She is way to friendly to people she doesn't know, but she can be very fun sometimes. She goes to retrieve Kokoro alone, and brings her to the elven dimension, where they meet the others. After the journey is over and the kids go home, she still comes by to visit Kokoro in her dimension. 

Feel free to draw her with any of the kids and/or familiars!

Her friends/people she travels with include all the other kids and their familiars; Ariston, Jacob, Lazumo, Melody, Memerro, Niki,

The child she was assigned to was Kokoro.