


6 years, 10 months ago


Introduction of Character

Chosen Name: Jallen'ra 

Real Name: Alem'ashala (Alema Shala ) Means Protector of the Tearful

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Nickname(s): Jallen, Gear Head

Alias(es): Nabrin'afreetaa (Nabrina Freetaa ) Means Brave Beast of Burden , Hiran'ifenn (Hirani Fenn ) Means Exceedingly Beautiful Hard Worker

Species: Twi'lek

Era(s): Rise of the Empire

Birth Date: c. ???

Death Date: None as of yet

Occupation: Pirate, Kolto Trader

Affiliation(s): Dylas, Omnira, Syndicate, Coalition, Selkath

The Character’s Appearance


Height: 5'7"


Weight: 123lbs

About the Character


Cool, Calm, collected, and widely respected, Jallen'ra is anything but a Fairy tale Pirate. Despite vicious rumors about her many deadly adventures and devious ways, and the fear that is typically associated with her sheer power, Jallen'ra is nothing if not a goodhearted woman. Jallen'ra has adapted something of a patriotic attitude when it comes to her fellow spacers, always ready to lend a hand when they need one, and never thinking twice about jumping to their rescue when she has to, even when she would be endangering herself. She holds her allies in extremely high regards, and would do anything to protect them the best she could, but tends to try and stay reserved from them, and commitments in general, not only because she loves her freedom, but also because shes terrified of hurting someone she cares about. While she does love to make a credit or two, Jallen'ra often uses what she earns, legally or not, to help support the oppressed, feeling empathetic towards their problems due to her slave roots. Despite her known kindness, Jallen'ra has a reputation for being a brutal fighter and harsh captain when she has to be. While very open minded, Jallen'ra never tolerates betrayal, and is known to hold a harsh grudge. it's difficult to calm her down when one makes her angry, even though she rarely gets angry, and has been known to become extremely violent at times. Jallen'ra hates slavers more than anything, and loves being able to screw with their operations, often not hesitating to murder slavers without the mercy she shows others. 

Fear(s): Losing herself to her own hatred, Losing Dylas

Likes: Credits, Her Ship, Dylas, working, Selkath, Manaan, Rishi, Cantinas

Dislikes: Slavers, murderers, liars, Nar Shaddaa, Imperials, Authority, Hutts, Yavin 4

Habit(s): She chews her lip when she's burried in work, she tends to bounce her leg a lot

Flaw(s): She tends to poke at the scyberneticsin her Lekku, she tends to be very blunt, she's been known to sleep around

*********************************WIP right now***************************************************************

The Character’s Relationship With Others


Love Interest(s): (wip)

Friend(s): (Wip)

Master(s): (wip)

Apprentice(s): (wip)

Enemy(ies): (wip)

In Depth Relationship(s): (Wip)

The Character’s Abilities

Force User?: She has no real relation to Jedi or Sith

Fighting Style: Gunslinger, keeps her distance from people, packing carefully aimed shots and powerful explosives

Combative Abilities:

Preferred Weapon(s):

Her Custom Blaster Pistols and any kind of Explosive you can think of

TD-04A Informant Jacket - Easy to move in, provides protection from most enviroments, enhances power and Accuracy

Targeter's MK-1 Gloves - Steadies Shots, Enhances Power, Comfort

Sky Ridge Targeter's Belt - -Easy to move in, provides quick and accessible storage

Raider's Target're Leggings - Easy to Move in, Armor Plating

Underworld Business Shoes - Provide's Comfort, Easy to walk in for long periods of time, Enhanced agility

Sky Ridge Targeter's Main and Offhand Blaster's - Custom Blaster's from Rishi, Provides Enhanced Tech power, Accuracy, Aim, armor piercing, and Impact

Targeter's MK-1 Device - Provides additional and more private Communication, Protects Ears from loud noises

Implants provide multiple uses such as:

Steadying Focus

Clear thoughts

Pain Tolerance

Thought Enhancers

Force Resistance

Enhanced Processing power


Agility: 7/10

Swordsmanship: 3/10

Force: 2/10

Defense: 6/10

Offense: 8/10

People Skills: 9/10

Engineering: 10/10

Cunning: 8/10

Weapons: 8/10


Intelligence: 10/10

Non-Combative Abilities:
Extremely Enhanced Intelligence

Engineering Prowess


Silver Tongued


The Character’s Familial/Biographical Information

Birthplace: Nar Shaddaa

Homeworld: Manaan


(WIP )

Familial Background:


Character Background:

Jallen'ra had always claimed to have simply been abandoned on Nar Shaddaa since childhood, hopping ship and joining a pirate crew. A natural tough girl story. But the reality of her situation was much darker.

Jallen'ra was raised by none but herself. Born to a slave mother and a free father on Nar Shaddaa, Jallen'ra was well cared for in a surprisingly loving environment. Her father loved her dearly, just as her mother did, and future looked bright for them all, despite her connections to slavery. However, things were not nearly as bright as Jallen'ra would have hoped, as her parents were murdered by a rival slave trader, and Jallen'ra (aged only 6 at the time) , as well as other slaves her age, were soon shipped off world and spread across the galaxy. She always seemed to find herself in the hands of a new person, and they were rarely kind. Until the time she was 16, Jallen'ra was abused, mistreated, and treated like an object by almost every master she had. Luckily, her luck took a turn for the better when her master at the time's Star Ship was attacked by rival smugglers while over Manaan, and Jallen'ra was able to escape to one of the escape pods, crash landing in the oceans by Ahto City, but not before part of her right Lekku was severely damaged, rendering her near vegetable status for quite some time (as the Lekku serve as part of a Twi'lek's Brain) Though still singed and injured, Jallen'ra was lucky to have landed on a world known for it's healing substances. The young woman was treated by some kindly Selkath who had managed to fish her out of the ocean. However, due to the damage caused to her lekku in the accident, Selkath scientists were forced to use drastic measures to try and restore her mind to full once more, taking the opportunity to test prototype cybernetics on Jellen'ra, repairing her appendage and enhancing her brain power in the process. This was the first time she was truly free, and Jallen'ra was unsure what exactly to do with this new found freedom, so she had decided to make the most of it. At first, this started out as merely entering the kolto trade, eager to help those who needed it most as the Selkath had done for her, but she soon realized this wasn't filling a gap in her life. she still wanted Revenge. Vengence on every master who had mistreated her, and, more than all, revenge on the man that had murdered her happy family. With the intent to one day track down the people who had ruined her life, Jallen'ra turned to a life of Smuggling and Piracy, keeping her job as a kolto trader as well in order to continue helping people as she could, stay on the Selkath's good side, allowing her to keep using Manaan as a base to operate from (desirable, due to their powerful neutrality), and most of all, to keep a cover identity should anyone ever come to suspect her motives. It was during her time as a pirate that she met Dylas, eventually making another Base on the Pirate Planet of Rishi and taking the younger Chiss under her wing and forming a bond that would test time, space, and the force itself.

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