0🍄0 info 0🍄0 (villages)




shrooms are found everywhere on earth, from forests to cities to deserts, going completely unnoticed by the humans nearby. here are some notable locations!


a village inside a hollow, dead tree. the tree died completely upright, creating a high lookout spot for scouts. the earth shrooms created staircases and homes that spiral up the tree. farms, training grounds, and other spaces reside under the shade of a nearby tree outside.


this village lives underneath a beach house, in the small space between the floor and the sand. suncaps are found here, powering the lights that keep the shrooms alive during winter. during the day, the shrooms leave the village to soak up the sunlight, hiding in the dune plants.


in many train stations there exist shroom villages, but this one is the largest. located in a very busy part of the nyc subway system, this village stretches from underneath the benches all the way to a space carved into concrete next to the tracks. these shrooms are well adapted to the thundering rumble of trains and the chattering of humans, and have learned what times of day are most suited for gathering materials based on the 'metal thunder.'